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SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL 2 fit <br />The meeting was called to order acting Mayor, Dan Spitzer, at 7:11 PM. <br />PRESENT: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail <br />ABSENT: LaValle and Irsfeld <br />3.0_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by Vail_, to approve the minute <br />of August 21, 1978, after the following change is made: <br />Page 2 (last paragraph) - would cost approximately $30,000 to <br />get ready for the letting ,of bids. <br />Page 3 (5.5 Olinger) - Spitzer stated that he could <br />with the subdivision. <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />4.0 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by <br />General, Clerk's, Police, Fire, <br />September 5, 1978, for an amount <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />MOTION CARRRIED <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by <br />ty Claims for September 5, 19789 <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />not agree <br />Schletty, to approve the <br />and Maintenance Claims for <br />total of $139387-39. <br />Schletty, to approve the Utile. <br />in an amount of $22,521-70. <br />5.1 Gerald Beach was present with his proposed costs estimate for the disea <br />ed tree program for 1979. The proposed figure was $2,200.00. The five year <br />program will be terminated in 1979, and Mr. Beach stated that oak wilt contra <br />was 60 % effective with the utilized method of control. Spitzer stated that <br />no money was allocated in the 1978 budget for attree planting program. The <br />state would give the city matchingkfunds for the planting. Let the record <br />show that $1,000 should be considered as part of next year's budget for a <br />tree planting program. <br />2 Steven Parenteau - Sewer Hookup <br />Councilman Vail stated tha Mr. Parenteau had installed the sewer hookup <br />sometime the week of August 28, 1978. The clerk will check on Mr. Parenteau' <br />bond. <br />5.3 Ronald Granger - Installation of Sanitary Sewer <br />The clerk had spoked to Mr. Granger, and he s ate hat he should have the <br />sewers installed within 3 - 4 weeks. Spitzer stated that he would like to se <br />a written statement from Mr. Granger with an estimate as to when the balance <br />of the hookups would be done. <br />MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by Schletty, to table the matter <br />currently on the floor. <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />2.4 Flood Insurance <br />Mr. Johnson currentTy has the Flood Plain Ordinance under review. It was the <br />suggestion of the City Council that Mr. Johnson consider this as a possible <br />amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. <br />duled for Septet <br />ert at the <br />eeting. <br />ly Suburban <br />18, 1978, and Mr. Bramstedt is to be notified again to be pres <br />meeting. Grace Development was notified of such at tonight's m <br />5.6 Woodlake Sanitary Service, Inc. - Garbage License ormer <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Vail, to grant a <br />the collection of garbage and rubbish to Woodlake <br />Service, Inc., for a fee of $50.00, under Chapter <br />Hugo City Code, <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />E41r,61 <br />license for <br />Sanitary <br />120 of the <br />