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12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Dec. 19, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman NcLean. cambers present; Karth, Shearen, Hill, <br />Nadeau, Kelling. Absent; Farrand. Mr. Starr and ''r. Marier were also present. <br />Karth moved to approve the minutes of November 21, 1973 as written. Seconded <br />by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />The rezoning hearing for Mt. Schmitz was called to order. Mr. `icLean read the <br />publication notice. The mailing list to adjoining property owners was not here, <br />cut Mr. McLean decided to proceed with the material available. The only stipul- <br />-:tion that he would impose would be to designate the use category for the land. <br />He questioned :•ir. Schmitz as to the use of the land. <br />Mr. Schmitz said the land would be used for the erection of a pole type build- <br />ing to house equipment for the installation of water and sewer. There would be <br />ro sales and no office. The building would be of colored steel - 40'X60' - no <br />floor at the present time he would fence the area with a security type fence. <br />: . Schmitz said that most of his work is done on a bid basis or sub -contract- <br />-ng and the office work is done out of his home. There would be doors 12'X13' <br />aa?d the building would be about 20' at the ridge. <br />'fir_. Shear had no questions. Mr. Karth asked about customers. Mr. Schmitz said <br />there would be none. Mr. Hill asked if the lots adjoining were vacant. Mr. <br />Schmitz said one is erpty and he had talked to the owner of the house on the <br />other lot and they had no objections. Mr. telling had no questions. Mr. Nadeau <br />- none. <br />Mr. Starr wanted to be sure that this hearing was just for the consideration <br />of rezoning the land, and that 'Ir. Schnitz understood that he would have to <br />present a plot plan when he applied for a building permit. He could see no <br />p_oblems with the rezoning of the remaining portion of the land. He felt that <br />die commercial zoning should extend to the rear of the lot lines in that area. <br />'sir. McLean asked if there was anyone in the audience who had any objections to <br />the rezoning of this property. There was none. <br />'°r. Yelling moved that if normal procedures are followed, then the recommendation <br />from the Planning and Zoning would be for approval of the rezoning request to <br />rezone the remaining portion of the land from residential to general Business. <br />Due to the absence of the legal mailing list, these items must be bought out at <br />the Council hearing on December 26, 1973. Mr. Schmitz must submit full building <br />plans, plot plan including fence before a building permit will be issued. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Mir. Marier asked the Clerk to remind Mr. Schmitz that it would be wise to have <br />a perc test done before he submits this material. Also, to call ?ir. Locher and <br />he sure all the legal papers are available at the Council hearing. <br />Mr. :McLean also requested that in the future, when a rezoning hearing is sched- <br />uled, he would request that 'ir. Locher attend these hearings. <br />
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