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10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Oct. 17,1973 <br />The reqular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 8:05 P.M. <br />by Chairman Mclean, Members present; Kelling, Karth, Sheeran. Mr. Marier was also <br />p resent. <br />The minutes of the September 19, 1973 minutes were corrected as follows; <br />Page 1, paragraph 5, words "Town Houses" was changed to "Condiminiums" <br />Page 1, paragraph 9, change word to 'hoped'; change word 'to' to 'would'. <br />Page 2, paragraph 4, change words "Town Houses" To Con di m i n i ums" . <br />'1r. Karth moved to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Motion <br />carried. <br />'4r. Betz appeared before the Board with the request to pui l . a travel trai ler onto <br />.'ome 3 acres of land he owns on the North East corner of Bald Eagle Lake. This is not <br />lake front property but faces onto Rolling Hills Drive. There is a deep will located <br />on the property at the present time. He has no plans for hook-up to any sort of septi <br />system. The trailer would be a self-contained unit. He planned to use the trailer for <br />a residence only for about 6 months durning the summer season. <br />Mr. McLean read from Ordinance #56 which prohibits this use of the land. Mt. Karth <br />felt that if this was allowed it would present problems with other such requests in <br />the future. Mr. Kelling felt the same. <br />Mr. Hill arrived. <br />Mr. Hi l l felt that any structure put on land should be of the permanent type and not <br />a temporary ' measure such as this trai ler would be. <br />Mr. Shearen felt that we have a code and th1t we should abide by the rulings in this <br />Ordinance. <br />Mr. Betz asked the Board about the possibility of erecting a modular home on this <br />property in the future. The one had Looked at passes alt State requirements and must <br />pass State inspection as to plumbing and electric installation. <br />Mr. McLean felt that this was a possibility that would have to be explored at the time <br />He would need to see the specs on such building before making a decision. <br />Mr. Shearen felt that if the plumbing and electric installations pass State inspection <br />then we would have to accept it. <br />Mr. Karth moved to recommend to the Council that the request by Mr. Betz to pull a <br />trailer in for the summer months and use as a residence be denied. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Betz asked if they could drive their camper in and soend the weekends there. Mr. <br />McLean said if he just drove in he didn't feel that he would be chased off but this <br />is not a permtssable use. <br />Mr. Betz thanked the Board. <br />
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