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09/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:22:18 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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, i, _ Z- Y -mak` /6 / 9 - 7 3 <br />September 19, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was <br />cal led to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman McLean. Members <br />present; Kel i ing, Karth, Hill. Absent; Nadeau, Farrand <br />and Shearen. Mr. Marler, 1 i ason to the Council, was also <br />present. <br />Mr. Ke I ling made a motion to accept the minutes of the Aug. <br />15th meeting. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Kel ling suggested if a member when absent from a previous <br />meeting and has enough information on the subject from fellow <br />members that he be al lowed to vote on the motion. Mr. McLean <br />stated he should use his own judgement on this matter if he <br />should abstain from voting or vote on the issue with regard <br />to how much information he has. <br />Discussion was held on the Huber Property located in the <br />South-east corner of Lino Lakes adjoining Bald Eagle Lake. <br />The total number of acres Mr. Huber owns is 18.2 acres. Ten <br />of these acres are in Lino Lakes with the remaining 8.2 <br />acres in Hugo. Mr. Huber plans on leaving 2 out of the 10 <br />acres in Lino Lakes for his home and also his Fathers. <br />Mr. Wagner from Apache Enginering was present with Mr. Huber <br />to bring forth plans to build Town Hou:,cs on Hr. Huber's n n: b ` I,. fix" <br />property. iMr. Wagner pians on building 120 units, 3 stories <br />high, at a cost of $30,000 - $40,000 per unit. <br />The parking facilities would consist of under ground parking. <br />Mr. Huber stated he would like to have the land in Hugo Village <br />annexed to Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. McLean asked the question of their plans for uti litys. <br />Mr. Huber stated the land in Lino Lakes is serviced by area <br />2, the land located in Hugo is serviced by area 1. Mr. Marier <br />stated Mir. Huber should find out what service area would he <br />be able to hook up to and have the Metro Sewer Board put it <br />in writing. <br />/lee 7'6—b '000 .Tip f; Al Ls 0-7 <br />Mr. Ke l I i ng said he heltl #er- these people about <br />the sewer first before confronting Hugo with the question of <br />annexation. <br />Mr. Marier made a point 'that the men should first find out <br />about the sewer hook-up and secondly appear at the Vi I lage <br />Council of both Villages about annexation of the land in <br />
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