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01/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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January 17, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order by Chairman Mr. McLean at 8:00 P. M., January 17, 1973. Present were <br />Misters Farrand, Karth, Kelling, Nadeau, McLean and Shearen. Absent; Mr. Hill. <br />Mr. Marler was present as liason to the Council. <br />The minutes of December 20, 1972 were corrected as follows; Mr. Shearen was <br />absent and Mr. Nadeau was present. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean noted that since this is the first meting of the new year, the <br />Board must Elect a chairman and a vice-chairman. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to retain Mr. McLean as Chairman of the P&Z Board. Seconded <br />by Mr. Karth. Mr. Nadeau asked Mr. Kelling if he would consider the position <br />Mr. Kelling declined, saying that he thought the present chairman was the bes4- <br />possible choice. Vote or The motion was unaminous. <br />Mr. Shearers moved to retain Mr. Ke 1 i i ng as V i cc-C,„airman . Seconded by Mr, <br />McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean noted that Mr. Marier was appointed as Liason from the Council ror <br />the year 1973. <br />Mr. Robert Emery wes present to discuss the plans for an "old car restoratrc ” <br />business he is planning to move to a location on Old Highway #8 next to the <br />Skyline Auto Body. The necessary plans had been forwarded to Mr. Van House, <br />and Mr. Gotwaid asking that they return them by this date, but the Clerk hau <br />not received an answer from either man. Mr. McLean said that since we did <br />not have their opinions, that there was no alternative except to hold this <br />over to the next meeting. Mr. Emery said this would put him in an awful <br />position. He is concerned with the possibility of not being able to get <br />footings in because of a hard freeze. Mr. McLean asked the Board if they <br />would consider a special meeting Just to deal with this application when the <br />necessary information is available. The Board was agreeable with this idea. <br />Mr. Kelling making note that this was not to set a precedent. Mr. McLean <br />agreed, stating that in this case, a delay of one month could create a hard- <br />ship to Mr. Emery. Mr. McLean also suggested that Mr. Emery call Mr. Gotwaid <br />and Mr. Van Housen asking that they present their opinions as soon as possible. <br />Mrs. Sarner wi i i notify the Board members when the information is here. <br />Mr. Arnold Midtaune appeared before the Board with questions concerning <br />platting a 40 acre piece of land he had purchased from Mrs. Biliik. This land <br />is located directly north of Sunrise Park. The legal description is, Lot 21 <br />Aud. Sub. #151. Mr. Midtaune asked about lot sizes, who is responsible for <br />the streets in a platted area, and if it could be partial platted. <br />Mr. McLean told .him that the lot size minimum is 11,250 sq. ft. - that he is <br />responsible for the streets inside the platted area - that it would be more <br />expensive for partial platting because of the public hearing that must be held <br />on each plat - and also that the land at the present time is zoned agriculture. <br />Mr. McLean suggested that Mr. Midtaune get copies of our Zoning Ordinance and <br />Building Code. Mr. Midtaune left Bis name and address with the Clerk. She <br />will mail him copies of each. <br />
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