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March 50 <br /> The regular meeting; of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> P.;arch 5 , 1984 , by Chairman K . Johnson with members R . Johnson , Scherer- , <br /> Arntzen , Flannery present and Lindy absent . <br /> Minutes - February 16 1984 <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br /> R. Johnson . <br /> Mr. Arntzen questioned the difference between limited and full phone servi( <br /> at Sunrise Park and Mr. Volk said this will be discussed later in the <br /> meeting. <br /> Motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously . <br /> FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br /> All Board members have an updated copy of this plan . Mr. Volk noted that <br /> he had updated this plan through 1988. This plan relates to the funds <br /> now available in the Dedicated Park Fund. <br /> The Plan was discussed and changes noted. Mr. Volk pointed out items that <br /> had been added per the Board ' s previous discussions - i . e . park benches <br /> and picnic tables for the several parks . <br /> Mr. Arntzen suggested a covered type pavallion for the adults . There <br /> was discussion on the aspects of this idea. Mr. Scherer suggested some <br /> horseshoe courts . <br /> In connection wtih this suggestion, MR. Randy Ringaman , a member of the <br /> Circle-Lex Lions ' Club , noted there had been a noticable increase in the <br /> number of participants in the horse. shoe tournament during Sand Burr Days . <br /> The Lions ' Clun would like to discuss the possibility of perhaps 8 to 10 <br /> courtsbeing installed at Sunrise Park . The Lions ' Club will assist in the <br /> cost for materials for these courts . <br /> Mr. Ringaman suggested the site of the old house for the placement of <br /> these courts . There are plans for tennis courts in that area, but it <br /> was generally felt there is room for both tennis courts and horse shoe <br /> courts in that area. <br /> The materials needed for construction , the manner of construction , and othe <br /> areas of this proposal was discussed. MR. Ringaman suggested the he and Ali- <br /> Volk work together on the materials and location and arrive at a cost <br /> figure to present for this Board ' s ¢Dnsideration . Mr . Ringaman felt the <br /> Lions ' Club would pay for the materials if the City would do the con- <br /> struction . Mr. Ringaman and MR . Volk will prepare a report for the next <br /> Park Board meeting. <br /> The general consensus of the Park Board was that the City will provide the <br /> spot for the courts . <br /> Mr. Volk suggestedF moo, <br /> Frisbee as _ an additional consideration . There wa <br /> also discussion on perhaps laying out a volley ball court with just the <br /> net poles . Reside-rts could bring their own net and ball and use any tir. F- . <br /> The Board agree) i _!; this idea and asked Mr. Volk to crake a nc�- o �' <br /> on cis sheets . <br />