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03/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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March 21, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman McLean. Members present; <br />Karth, Hill, Shearen, Nadeau, Farrand. Absent; Kelling. Mr. Marier was <br />also present as liaison to the Council. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of the Feb. 21, 1973 meeting as <br />presented. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean called on 'Ir. Henry Speiser who appeared before the Board <br />requesting a variance to Ord. #21-A. This Ordinance requires 150 feet <br />on an established readway for the issuance of a building permit. Mr. <br />Speiser has 208.7 feet on Birch Street that he wants to split in half, <br />making two lots of approximately 104 feet each. There is a building on <br />the property at this t €me.Mr. Speiser was asked if he could acquire more <br />land in order to meet the requirements. Mr. Speiser said he didn't know <br />if this was possible. He was told that once the sewer is in there would <br />be no problem in splitting the property but at the present time, the <br />Board felt they must • stick with the Ordinance. Mr. Karth moved to recommend <br />to the Council denial of the request for the lack of front footage. Seconded <br />by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Stanley presented a preliminary plat to the Board on land located on <br />79th Street. He was interested in hiring the company that will be doing <br />street surfacing for the Village this summer to finish 79th Street all the <br />way back to the cul -de -sac. There was discussion on this and Mr. Marier <br />reminded Mr. Stanley that that portion of 79th would have to be surfaced <br />according to specifications in our Ordinance. The P&Z asked that Mr. <br />Stanley submit 10 copies of his plat to the Board for consideration. Mr. <br />Marier wi l i request that the Council set a hearing for the plat. This <br />was agreeable with tor. Stanley. <br />Mr. Jack Graham appeared before the P&Z Board with information concerning <br />a 500 foot twa -way radio tower that McDonald Industries plans to erect on <br />the Amelia Rehbein property on Birch Stree. The company has already been <br />granted permission by the FCC for the erection of the tower. Mr. Graham <br />was here seeking information as to a variance, sneciai use permit, or <br />the rezoning of the land. Mr. McLean suggested that the oroperty should <br />probably be rezoned. The Clerk wi i l mail the necessary forms to Mr. Graham. <br />Mr. Marier suggested that Mr. Graham get the complete package together <br />andsubmit through regular channels. He will need 10 copies of the plans <br />in the Clerk's office 10 days before the next P &Z meeting which is the <br />18th of Apri 1. The plans wi l I be reviewed by the Board and their recommen- <br />dations sent to the Council meeting of the 23rd of April for their action. <br />Mr. Leo Hager appeared before the Beard asking for a variance to split <br />a piece of land 250 feet wide into two lots. He would like to deed <br />150 feet to a member of his family for a building site. He was told that <br />when the sewer comes through then there would be no problem in splitting <br />the property but at the present time, No. Mr. McLean moved to recommend <br />to the Council to der's' • request for a variance because of lack of front <br />footage. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />
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