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04/18/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/18/1973 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 1:56:05 PM
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6/16/2022 1:56:05 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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April 18, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board <br />was called to order by Chairman McLean at 8:10 P.M. on April 18, <br />1973. Members present; Karth, Hill, Ke l I i ng, Shearen. Absent; <br />Nadeau; Farrand. Councilman Marier was also present. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of the March 21, 1973 <br />meeting as presented. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Notion carried. <br />`r'ir. Ernie Zelinka, representing the For -Jay operations was there <br />to present the plans and specifications for the years 1973 and <br />1974. Mr. McLean read Mr. Gotwald's comments on the site and <br />site plans. There are at the present time, 11 buildings and the <br />seedling house. The plans for 1973 call for the construction <br />of buildings 12 through 20. These buildings permits are to be <br />issued by number. There is also plans for the construction of <br />a double aarego and storage building in 1973 as well as a fence <br />along the frontage on old Highway #8. This fence w i l l either <br />be of the chain Zink variety or a rustic cedar rail fence. This <br />decision was left to the owner. Mr. Hill asked if the request <br />was for the Board to review the entire package. Mr.Zelinka said <br />that he was only asking for approval of the 1973 plans. at this <br />time. He said the overall design of the buildinp will be the <br />same except that they will enclose the cooling systems on new <br />construction. <br />He was asked how they disposed of the used water and nutrients. <br />Mr. Zelinka said the solution is used for about 2 weeks and <br />then it is dumped in back of the present buildings in a wet well. <br />This contains nothing that is not found in good soil. In order <br />to serve the purpose for growing their vegetables it must be a <br />perfect balanced solution and after about 2 weeks use it loses <br />some of the nutritional value and must be replaced. <br />!ir. Hill asked if they had plans for screening on the North and <br />South l i nes of the property. Mr. Zelinka said there was no n ro- <br />biem, if this is the desire of the Board. There was discussion <br />on the interior streets. Mr. Ze 1 i nka said the streets w i l l have <br />a rock base with a limestone cover and will meet all State Specs. <br />tir. McLean moved to accept the For -Jay Greenhouses proposal as <br />presented for 1973 to include buildings 712 through #20 plus a <br />two car garage and storage building, fence across west frontage, <br />either chain Zink or rustic style, I" to 2' Dia. Basswood or <br />Green Ash on North and South property lines for screening, roads <br />will be of crushed limestone. Prior to construction in 1974, <br />For -Jay will make a presentation the P &Z, outlining their- plans <br />
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