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05/16/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/16/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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May 16,1973 <br />The regular scheduled meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning <br />Board was called to order at 8:05 P.M. on May 16, 1973 by Chairman <br />McLean. Members present; Shearen, Karth, Kelling, Farrand, Hill. <br />Absent; Nadeau. Mr. Donald Marier, liasion to the Council and Mr. Lee <br />Starr, Planning Consultant were also present. <br />Page4, Paragraph,6; Insert "motion made by Mr. Kelling ". <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by <br />Mr. Kelling. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Kleinhaus from the Outpost was not in attendance. <br />Mr. George Harrison appeared before the Board asking for permission <br />to erect a garage nearer the street than his house setback. Mr. McLean <br />read the ordinance covering a detached garage which prohibits th's. <br />Mr. Harrison was asked if there was a reason for not building the <br />garage on the North side of his home.. Mr. Harrison replied that his <br />septic system is located in that area and he doesn't wart to destroy <br />the trees that are planted there. <br />Mr. McLean read the portion of the Ordinance that covers attached garages. <br />If Mr. Harrison wanted to attach his garage or build within six feet <br />of his home, then the garage could be located on the South part of his <br />home. He hasn't enough area for a driveway to the back of his buildings <br />without doing extensive work on a slope located on the South border of <br />his property. <br />The general concensus of the Board was in order for the garage to be <br />built in the area desired by Mr. Harrison, it would either have to be <br />attached or pulled back to within six feet of the house. Mr. Harrison <br />had doubts about attaching the garage. Mr. Shearen moved to recommend <br />denial of the request as presented unless Mr. Harrison was willing to <br />conform with the Section 4.05. Rule B. Seconded by Mr,Karth. Motion <br />carried. <br />The hearing for MacDonald Industries request to erect a 500 foot two - <br />way radio tower was opened. Mr. McLean read the letters from Mr. Gotwald <br />and Mr. Starr. The Board had questions as to the placement of the tower - <br />Mr. MacDonald explained why the tower had been located in the position <br />designated on the map - this area presented the best soil,for the base of <br />the tower and the guy points. This was not the only place the tower <br />could be located and if it was required by the Board, then the tower <br />could be relocated. <br />Mr. McLean asked if Mr. Mac Donald had any plans for the remaining <br />acreage. Mr. MacDonald said he and been approached by one of the local <br />residents for use of the land for ag purposes, but that nothing definite <br />had been decided. Mr. MacDonald said he planned to remodel the exist- <br />ing home and use It as a base point when it was necessary to be in the <br />Twin City area. <br />
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