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JUNE 30, 1975 <br />A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 7:45 P.M. on June 30, 1975 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members <br />present: Marier and Jaworski. Absent members: Zelinka and MCLean. <br />The meeting was called for the purpose of discussion of road problems <br />in Lino Lakes and to outline the road improvement schedule for 1975. <br />Mr. Jaworski said that he and Mr. Volk had George Gotwald, City <br />Engineer, to discuss what should be done this year to maintain the <br />streets. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he is basing his recommendations on a list prepared by <br />Mr. Volk; his recommendations are as follows: <br />LAKEVIEW AREA: seal coat 2 3/4 miles of streets in this area. <br />WARE ROAD: should be seal coated. <br />7TH AVENUE a sand mix was used 4 years ago and 1 mile of it <br />should be sealed this year. <br />PELTIER DRIVE should be seal coated this year. <br />77TH EAST <br />EAST RONDEAU <br />4TH AVENUE <br />80TH STREET <br />MAPLE & ORANGE <br />BALD EAGLE <br />the East end should be patched and restored. <br />must be remixed. <br />the North mile should be seal coated. <br />West 900' need to be restored. <br />need to be graded and gravel laid down. <br />two bad break ups on this road make it necessary to <br />remove clay pockets and patch. <br />OAK LANE $ 62ND bQth,`need to be scarified and shot with oil. <br />24TH AVENUE North end - one mile - needs a lot of work and three <br />alternatives are being offered: <br />1. Scarify and lay a mix down <br />2. Lay a 2" mat <br />3. Grade and re- gravel <br />