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g Q) <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to have Mr. Gotwald contact Lyle Krueger on the above items and to <br />have Mr. Krueger come for an interview at a special meeting on Wednesday, July 8, <br />at 8:00 p.m.; notices of the meeting to be waived. Also that the Attorney be contacted <br />to attend. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />The Building Committee gave the following approximate figures for addition items for <br />the building and area: <br />1. ,Well and sewer <br />2. Painting <br />3. Carpeting <br />4. Blacktopping <br />5. Sod and planting <br />6. Grading and filling hole <br />7. Air compressor,and welder <br />8. First interest payment <br />Total <br />$2000 <br />750 <br />1800 <br />3000 <br />:1000 <br />1000 <br />3000 <br />6500 <br />$19,050 <br />This figure plus the bid would be nearly $100,000. It was felt that some items such <br />as the blacktop and shop equipment could be cut somewhat for this year and put on <br />the next budget. Mr. Gotwald felt that we bad gotten good bids. <br />The payment schedule was checked and it was found that the interest paymeht in 1971 <br />was due on March 1st; after that semi- annual interest payments would be on March 1 <br />and September 1, with the bond payment due on March 1st of each year. The Clerk was <br />asked to check on the net amount left of the $100,000 bond. <br />Samples of paneling, brick and building color will be a+itted after the contract was <br />awarded. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to 9:37 p.m. Seconde Mr. Rosenggrren. All voted aye. <br />Minutes corrected at the meeting of July 13, 1970 <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on July 8, 1970, to meet <br />with Lyle Krueger, d/b /a Krueger Construction Co., concerning his bid on the new <br />municipal building was called to order at 8:08 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all <br />members present. Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Locher were also present. <br />Mr..Cardinal moved to waive notice of this meeting as time was so short. Seconded by <br />Mr. Bohjanen. ,Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that the Council had gone over the bids on July 6th and had voted <br />to return the deposits of all bidders except the two lowest which will be held for <br />30 days. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that Mr. Krueger had had the lowest lump sum,bid amount and that <br />only one of the listed deductions was allowed, namely the $821 for the substitution <br />of 26 gauge metal for 24 gauge. Mr. Bob Coyle of Balco Building Systems, which <br />would supply the material for the Butter building, stated that the reason they <br />suggested 26 gauge was that the only color Butler had in 24 gauge was parchment. <br />He also stated that 99 -1/2% of their buildings are of 26 gauge material. The only <br />reason the other company can supply 24 gauge is that they use a wider span on <br />their beams, etc. Mr. Coyle felt that 26 gauge would be quite adequate for side <br />wall deflection and durability. Mr. Gotwald noted that the net bid price using <br />the one deduction would be $82,986. <br />