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Meeting of the Council of Lino Lakes on January 14, 1963 <br />Members present as follows: Mayor Kelling; Trustee's Backlin, Heckenliable, <br />and Speiser; Clerk Hauer. <br />The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and on motion by Heckenliable, <br />second. by Speiser, they be accepted as read. All voted in favor. <br />The Mayor made the following appointments for the year 1963; Roads and Bridges- - <br />Trustee Backlin; Health, Welfare and Recreation -- Trustee Speiser. Planning <br />and Zoning -- Trustee Heckenliable. <br />The following appointments were made by the council for the year 1963: <br />1. Motion by Speiser, second by Clerk, Emily Rehbein be appointed. <br />treasure. All voted in favor. <br />2. Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, Heckenliable be acting Mayor, <br />Heckenliable abstained, all the rest in favor. <br />3. Kelling, second by Backlin, the Circulating Pines be named <br />official newspaper. Speiser, Backlin, Kelling--Yes; Heckenliable, Hauer- - <br />No. Carried. <br />4. Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, Babcock and Locher be named <br />legal counsel. All voted in favor. <br />5. Motion by Kelling, second by Backlin, Milner W. Carley & Associates <br />be named village engineers. All voted in favor. <br />6. Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, Ronald. Hausladen be named <br />Justice of the Peace. Heckenliable abstained. Carried. <br />7. Motion by Heckenliable, second by Speiser, the New Brighton Bank <br />be named official depository. All voted in favor. <br />8. ,Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, the firm of Anfinson <br />and Bonhiver be appointed auditor's. All voted in favor. <br />9. Motion by Kelling, second by Speiser, the following personnel be <br />bonded as follows: Treasure raised to $20,000.00; The others to remain the <br />same; Clerk - - $1,000.00; Assessor's - $500.00; Justice of the Peace <br />$500.00. All voted in favor. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Kelling, to purchase Polly Comm radio for <br />constables. All voted in favor. <br />Motion by Reekeiiable, second by Kelling, the council meetings be held the <br />second and fourth Monday's of each month at Louie's starting at 8 :00 P.M. <br />All voted in favor. <br />Mr. Speiser reported that the skating rinks are operating and construction <br />on the Park building is proceeding. <br />Mr. Heckenliable introduced the request of Ken Rehbein for approval of a <br />proposed plat for development. He stated that all members had seen the <br />proposed plat and were agreeable to a tentative approval. It was turned. <br />over to Attorney and Engineer for some further questions. <br />Motion by Kelling, second by Backlin, that approval would be acted peon at . <br />next regular meeting. All voted in favor. <br />