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ORDINANCE NO. 56C <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />COUNTY OF ANOKA <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 56, PASSED BY THE THEN <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, <br />ON JULY 26, 1971. <br />The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota, <br />ordains: <br />I <br />Section 6.23. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TABLE, of Ordinance No. 56, passed by <br />the then Village Council of the Village of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minn- <br />esota, on July 26, 1971, is hereby amended by adding immediately below the <br />words "Lot Width Front Setback Line (Ft)" therein, the following: <br />(On all cul-de-sacs, the minimum lot width shall be measured at the <br />required Front Yard Setback line; and there shall be a minimum lot area <br />of one acre and a minimum lot width of 150 feet at the City street, on <br />every lot situated in any area designated or hereafter designated on any <br />City of Lino Lakes plan or map as "Urban Service Area", and there shall <br />be a minimum lot area of one acre and a minimum lot width of 150 feet <br />at the City accepted and maintained street and at the front setback line <br />on every lot or parcel of land situated in any such "Urban Service Area", <br />where municipal sanitary sewer is not readily available; and there shall <br />''''‘be a minimum lot width of 150 feet at the City accepted and maintained <br />street and at the front setback line on every lot situated in any area <br />designated or hereafter designated on any City of Lino Lakes plan or map <br />as "Rural Residentail". with a minimum lot area size of one acre in such <br />area so designated at "Rural Residential".) <br />II <br />The portion of Section 3.02 entitled "DEFINITIONS" of said Ordinance <br />No. 56 stating "Farms, Any tract of land, 5 acres or greater in area, used <br />for agricultural purposes" is hereby amended so that the same shall be as <br />follows: <br />FARMS: Any tract of land, 10 acres or greater in area, used for <br />agricultural purposes.; and the MINIMUM LAND AREA requirement in the <br />Agricultural Zoning District classification of Section 6.23 MINIMUM <br />REQUIREMENTS TABLE of said Ordinance No. 56 is hereby amended from 5 acres <br />to 10 acres. <br />III <br />Said Ordinance No. 56 is hereby further amended by adding thereto the <br />following: <br />SECTION 7. A LAND USE PERMIT REQUIRED. No construction or change or <br />remodeling of any new or existing structure of improvement to any land, <br />/.0,,Nwherein the value therof exceeds $300.00, shall be commenced without the <br />person, firm or corporation doing such construction, change, remodeling, <br />or improvement, or the owner of the land upon which such is intended, <br />first obtaining from the City Clerk -Treasurer a "LAND USE PERMIT", which <br />