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CTl'Y OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />CITY COUNCIL, MEETING AGENDA <br />March 12, 2013 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />Call to Order. <br />H.R.A. meeting immediately <br />following City Council meeting <br />Pledge of Allegiance. <br />Roll Call. <br />Consideration. Discussion, and Possible Action on All of the ibllosvine itereast <br />I. Approval of the March 12, 2013, City Council Meeting Agenda. (action requested.) <br />II. Proclamations and Recognitions. <br />A. "Spirit of St. Anthony Award" recipient Torn Sullivan, Parks Department. (pp. 1-2) <br />III. Consent Agenda. <br />These items are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate disausion of these items unless a Coundlinenrher or cititen so <br />requests, in mhiels the item will he removed finer the Consent Agenda acrd placed elsewhere on the agenda. <br />A. Approval of February 26, 2013, Council Meeting Minutes. (pp. 3-10) <br />B. Licenses and Pert -nits. (pp, 11-"12) <br />C. Claims. (pp. 13-14) <br />IV. Public Hearing. (None.) <br />V. Reports from Commission and Staff. <br />VI. General Business of Council. <br />A. Presentation of the Planning Commission Work Plan. Brian I-Ieinis, Planning Commission Chair is <br />presenting. (pp. 15-18) (motion only) <br />B. Police Department Annual Report. John Ohl is presenting. (pp. 19-24) <br />C. Resolution 13-032, Ratifying the Pension Benefit for the St. Anthony Village Firefighters Relief <br />Association. Mark Casey, City Manager is presenting. (pp. 25-28) <br />VII. Reports from City Manager and Council members. <br />VIII. Community Forum. <br />lnrdinduals nary aeldrxss Av City Council about rmy item not included on the itgrrArr agenda. 5peakeri are itgrresled to come !o ilx podium, r{gn tlxir name and acldies-ron the <br />frmn at tlx podirun, state !heir nine and aeldresr. for the Clerks it cord, and limit Their remarks to fne mi antes. Generally, the Gy Coundl will riot take lidal action on items <br />discarsed at this time, hal may Typically refer the matter to staff for a fidure report or direct tlse matter to be sclvdrded on an upcoming ageutla. <br />IX. Information and Announcements. <br />X. Adjournment. <br />Our Mission is to nue a progressive and livable community, a walkable village, which is sustainable, safe and secure. <br />