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T•IINUTES <br />RF~GULAR CITY COUNCIL T~IEETING <br />OCTOBER 11, 1978 <br />Page 2 <br />~~~ <br />Ramsey County to handle the inspection of food establishments for the RAM~EY COUNTY <br />City of Falcon Heights at nc cost to the city. It would require a COTwI[TPIITY HEALTH <br />letter of intent from the Council to initiate the program. PROGRAM (cont.) <br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilmember McGough to direct <br />the C1erI~ Administrator to write a letter to Ramsey County Board of <br />Health to provide the necessary services to implement an Environmental <br />Health Program to include the city of Falcon Heights at no cost to <br />the city. Unanimously carried. <br />Councilmember Steele moved, seconded by Councilmembea~ _3rown to approve APPROVAL OF <br />the list of Election Judges as submitted by the Clerk Administrator for ELECTION JUDGES <br />the General Election of November 7th. Unanimously carried. <br />Councilmember Steele moved, seconded by Councilmember ~3rown, to approve APPROVAL OF <br />the scheduled Dump Dates of November 3rd through November 12th inclusive, DUMP DATES <br />as recommended by the Clerk Administrator. The Clerk Administrator <br />was directed to obtain a site at the State Fair Grounds and to prepare a <br />flyer to be distributed to the home owners. Motion unanimously carried. <br />Councilrnember Black reviewed with the Council the Conditional Use CONDITIO:TAL USE <br />request of N1rs. Evelyn Dilger, 1811 N. Hamline, to construct a utility DILGER <br />shed in the bacl>yard of her property. The shed is to be 11 feet by 1811 HAMLITdE <br />12 feet ar:d to be located five feet from the rear lot line and eleven. <br />feet from the sirE~rard. Adjoining property owners have submitted in <br />writing their approval of Mrs. Dilger's request. The Planning <br />Commission has recommended the approval of this request. <br />Councilmember Black moved, seconded by Councilmember McGough to approve <br />the Conditional Use request of T~Irs. Dilger, 1811 Hamline, to construct a <br />utility shed. This request was approved by the Planning Commission at <br />their meeting of October 3, 1978. <br />Upon a vote being taken the following voted "aye": Mayor ti7arkentien, <br />Councilmembers 31ack, McGough, Steele, and 3rown and the following voted <br />"nay": None. T~iotion carried. <br />Mayor Warkentien informed Council he had appointed Sandra Larson to the SANDRA CARSON <br />Recreation Advisory Committee to fill the vacancy created by Lillian APPT. TO <br />Duethmann's resignation. RECREATION <br />ADVI SORy <br />Councilmember McGough moved, seconded by Councilmember Steele, to COT~ShSITTEE. <br />approve Mayor ti?arken-~ien's appointment of Sandra Larson to the Recre- <br />ation Advisory Committee. Motion to approve was unanimous. <br />Mayor T~~arkentier. requested the Council recess for seven minutes before RECESS <br />the Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Fund usage. <br />Mayor Warkentien informed tie public that it is required under Federal PUBLIC HEARING <br />Law to hold two public hearings on the use of Revenue Sharing Funds, 8:00 P.1~. <br />this being the first of the two hearings. The second hearin" will be REVENUE SHARING <br />held October 25, 1978 at 8:00 P.I. Mayor Warkentien also informed the FUNDS USAGE <br />public that funds are anticipated to be used for public safety,. <br />(policing). There were no objections by anyone present. <br />