<br />1
<br />1
<br />3
<br />1 ~~ y
<br />Moved by r4ayor Warkentien, seconded by Councilman Labalestra HEADING FOR
<br />that the official stationery be printed to read "Falcon Heights OFFICIAL
<br />Village, Home of the Minnesota State Fair, and University of STATIONERY
<br />Minnesota Institute of Agriculture, a Bicentennial City". Upon
<br />a vote being taken, the following voted "aye" : Mayor irdarkentien,
<br />Councilmen Steele and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay":
<br />Councilmen B1acu and Erylixr~.~?. Motion carried.
<br />After discussion of the Municipal liquor store operations, JOB DESCRIPTION:
<br />Council concensus was that the Manager, George Willkom, prepare LIQUOR STORE
<br />a job description to be presented to Council relating to his T•1ANAGER
<br />respons~.bilities.
<br />Councilman Steele felt that the T~Ianager should use his o?gin
<br />juc~ment as to the mark-up of liquor prices.
<br />Moved by CounciLman. La?~alestra, sPCOnded by Mayor Uarkentien
<br />that all capital outlays of $50.00 per purchase or more by
<br />the T~Ianager of the ."T~znicipal Liquor ~tnre ire approved by the
<br />Council before the expenniturP ~s made, with expenditures under
<br />$50.00 to be at the Manager's discretion. Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen
<br />Black, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay":
<br />Councilman Ecklund . r-etion ca.rr-~. e~
<br />~'~_re Deports, Numbers h8 through 77, were noted.
<br />T~Ioved by Councilman Steele, seconded by Councilman Black to
<br />approve payment in the amount of $85.00 to Henry Dachtera
<br />for Axn~nsaG inci~.rrAd October 17, 18, 1975, with relation
<br />to the State Fire Chief's Association. Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "aye": :ayor Warkentien, Council-
<br />men Black, Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following
<br />voted "nay": None. Motion carried.
<br />P'Ioved by Mayor Warkentien, seconded by Councilman Labalestra
<br />to approve the General Payroll, October 16 - ?~, in the amount
<br />of $3,112.81. 'Jpon a vote beir~; taken, the following voted
<br />"aye": TZayor i~~Jarkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, Steele,
<br />and Labalestra, and the followin voted "nay": None. Motion
<br />carried.
<br />LI~'JO~ S`.I'OR.::
<br />CAPITAL OiTT~h' Y
<br />FIVE Tt:~'ORTS
<br />H. DACHT~L:24
<br />OCT033ER 3l
<br />T~oTTed by Councilman Ecklund, seconded by Councilman Steele GEnrFn,.!=_I; °^t'^^T T.
<br />to approve the General Payroll, November 1 - 15, in the amount NOVET~iBER l5
<br />of $3,293.70. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted
<br />"aye": Mayor ti^larkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, Steele,
<br />and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay": None. Motion
<br />carried.
<br />i~ioved by Councilman Steele, seconded by Councilman Ecklund to GENERAL
<br />approve the General Disbursements in the amount of $22,683.26. DISBURSEtiTENT5
<br />Upon a vote being taken, the following voted "aye": Mayor
<br />TrJarkentien, Councilmen .Slack, Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra,
<br />and the following voted "nay": None. notion carried.
<br />