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14 <br />3 <br />Moved by Councilman Ecklund, seconded by Acting Mayor Black, DISEASED TREE <br />to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract between the CONTROL <br />State of Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the City of PROGRAM AGREE- <br />Falcon Heights for the Diseased Tree Control Program. Upon a MENT <br />vote being taken, the following voted "aye": Acting Mayor <br />Black, and Councilmen Ecklund and Labalestra, and the following <br />voted "nay": None. Motion carried. <br />Action was deferred on the renewal of the contract for street NORTHERN STATES <br />lighting with Northern States Power Compar~r until the meeting POWER COMPANY <br />of January 8, 1976. CONTRACT RE- <br />NEWAL <br />Moved by Councilman Labalestra, seconded by Acting Mayor Black MASTIIi, GAS <br />to approve Master Gas Installers License #327 for the Ideal INSTALLERS <br />Heating and Air Conditioning Company, 3116 Fremont Avenue North, LICENSE #327 <br />Minneapolis. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted "aye": <br />Acting Mayor Black, Councilmen Ecklursd and Labalestra, and the <br />following voted "Hayti: None. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Ecklund summarized a draft of a model snowmobile PROPOSED MODEL <br />ordinance which has been drawn up by the Ramsey County League SNOWMOBILE <br />of Local Goverruaents. The purpose of the proposed ordinance ORDINANCE <br />iS to solve the proble:a of differing policies regulating the <br />use of snowmobiles from one community to another. <br />Moved by Acting Mayor Black, seconded br Councilman Labalestra <br />that the City Attorney review the proposed ordinance regulating <br />snowmobiles, submitted by Ramsey County League, and report back <br />to Council at the meeting of January 22, 1976.. tTpon a vote being <br />taken, the following voted i'ayei': Acting Mayor Black, and Council- <br />men Ecklund and Labalestra, and the following voted i'nayi': None. <br />Motion carried. <br />Fire Report N~ber 84 was noted. <br />Discussion was held regarding a proposed plat subdivision re- <br />quest from Nicholas Pothen for his property located on Hemline <br />and Roselawn Avenues. <br />Moved by Acting Mayor Black, seconded by Councilman Ecklund <br />that the request for subdivision made by Nicholas Pothen for <br />his property at Hemline and Roselawn Avenues be referred to the <br />Planning Commission at their meeting of January 6, 1976. Upon <br />a vote being taken, the following voted "aye": Acting Mayor <br />Black, Councilmen Ecklund and Labalestra, and the following voted <br />"nay": None. Motion carried. <br />FIRE REPORT <br />PROPOSED PLAT: <br />NICHOLAS POT~T <br />n <br />