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MINUTES <br />SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 7, 1977 <br />Page 6 <br />Attorney Kenefick reported to Council on six (6) chapters of <br />the Codification. No adoption motion was made on each chapter, <br />Attorney Kenefick will make the changes discussed and report <br />to the Council at their regular meeting on July 28th for vote <br />and adoption. <br />1 <br /> <br />Clerk administrator Barnes brought up for discussion the <br />assessed valuation of the Milton Cohen property. Clerk <br />Administrator Barnes stated that he had met with the State, <br />Ramsey County Assessor and Milton Cohen. Due to a retroactive <br />loss of $479.00 deducted from our current taxes, the City of <br />Falcon Heights will have to watch and make sure the County <br />assessor is reviewing this annually. <br />Deferred to the July 28th meeting. Clerk Administrator Barnes <br />was requested to call Florence Chambers so she would be aware <br />of the meeting date. <br />• ~ s$ <br />CODIFICATION <br />DISCUSSION <br />COHEN PROPERTY <br />ASSESSED <br />VALUE REDUCTION <br />CRIME WATCH <br />PROGRAM REPORT <br />Dave Anderson appeared before the Council regarding the park fence PARK FENCE <br />posts for installation of donated materials. Due to the donation <br />of fabric for the fence, he is requesting a top and bottom rail <br />for said park fence, and alternate bid for installation. Motion <br />was made by Mayor Warkentien seconded by Councilman Steele to have <br />Dave Anderson get three (3) bids in writting sent to Clerk Administrator <br />Barnes, to be presented at the July 28th meeting. Upon a vote being taken <br />the following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, <br />Steele and Labalestra. The following voted "nay": None. Motion carried. <br />There was a discussion by Council regarding Herme's Floral Co.'s <br />license for christmas tree sales. Herme's Floral will not be <br />required to obtain a separate corporate license for the sale of <br />christmas trees, but the party taking over the selling of the <br />tree's will have to take out a license of their own. Motion was <br />made by Councilman Labalestra seconded by Councilman Ecklund to <br />cancel license 4387 and refund money. Upon a vote being taken <br />the following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, <br />Ecklund, Steele and Labalestra. The following voted "nay" None. <br />Motion carried. <br />HERME'S XMAS TREE <br />LICENSE DISCUSSION <br />The City Council of Falcon Heights received a letter from Gary LETTER FROM <br />Marshall stating during August the following positions will be GARY MARSHALL <br />open - three vacancies on the Community Correction Advisory Board, RAMSEY COUNTY <br />positions to be fill in August are to citizens positions, these DEPUTY COMM. <br />are for two years from date of employment. Position of Medical <br />Dr. will be recommended after August. <br />Deadline for application to participate in the State Shade Tree APPLICATION FOR <br />Program is July 1, 1977. SHADE TREE <br />PROGRAM <br />