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in obtaining a liquor license for some time, but the Board k 8 ~• <br />of Directors has decided that it will not petition for a <br />liquor license at this time and will wait to see if leg- <br />islation is passed concerning wine and strong beer. <br />Several questions were brought to the floor that the <br />Council felt should be answered before any decision was' <br />made regarding this issue. A cony of the questions i <br />on file in the Clerk-Administrator's office. <br />Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO <br />th at the ordinance pertaining to bottle clubs in res- BOTTLE CLUBS <br />taurants be removed from the table. Upon a vote being <br />taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black and Stone, and <br />Councilwoman Stocker, and the following voted against <br />the same: Councilman Ecklund. Motion carried. <br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by 24ayor Warkentien, SETTING OF SPECIAL MEETING <br />that a special meeting be set for Thursday, November 1, DATE <br />1973, at 7:30 P.P•7., for discussion of the liquor issue. <br />Motion carried. <br />Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Councilman Black, <br />that the minutes of the meeting of October 11, 1973, <br />be approved as corrected. Potion carried. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Councilman Black, <br />that the application for a Master Gas Installer's <br />License by Grizdem Brothers, 635 ^1. Prior, St . Paul, <br />be approved. ,lotion carried. <br />ORDINANCE 129 <br />AN ORDINANCE AP~fENDING ORDINANCE N0. 115, E^~TITLED, <br />"A?+T ORDIPIAAICE REGULATIPIG THE USE OF HIGHWAYS WITHIT? THE <br />VILLAGE OF FALCOTd HEIGHTS" <br />Councilman Ecklund moved, seconded by Councilman Black, <br />that the above ordinance be adopted. Upon a vote being <br />#~aken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />P4ayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, and Stone, <br />and Councilwoman Stocker, and the following voted against <br />the same: None. Whereupon the ordinance was adopted. <br />The ordinance ri ebtaining to the licensing of peddlers, <br />mobile vehicles and itinerant merchants was tabled. <br />P4INOTES <br />MASTER GAS INSTALLER'S <br />LICENSE <br />ORDINANCE RELATI?~dG TO USE <br />OF HIGHWAYS <br />ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO <br />PEDDLERS <br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEER <br />that the application for volunteer fireman, submitted FIREME^1 <br />by Ralph Dowdell, 2110 E. Hennepin, be approved, sub- <br />ject to a physical and six months probation. Motion <br />carried. <br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by 1~Sayor Warkentien, APPROVAL OF ELECTION NUDGES <br />to approve the election .fudges for the December ltth <br />election as submitted. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, DEI~TIAL OF CONTRIBUTIOr1 TO <br />to deny the request for a contribution to the North NORTH SUBURBAN DAY ACTIVITY <br />Suburban Day Activity Center for retarded children. CETdTEFt <br />Motion carried. <br />