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<br />no former employee of Falcon Heights had ever received severance TEIN~ con'd <br />and/or c+ampensation pay. Councilman Black moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Steele, to direct Clerk-~ninistrator Barnes to write <br />her a letter advising her of the Councils decision and ~i.scussion, <br />and requa~sting that she submit in writing her claim to the Council <br />for what she feels she is entitled. <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes presented the sound system proposal SOUND SYSTEM <br />from Audio Electronics. It was noted that the cost fora PROPOSAL OF <br />complete system would be $1,330.00 plus a possible sales tax AUDIO ELECTRONICS <br />of abort $5l~t00 for the systems. It was' also noted that there <br />would be a two-year warranty with parts and 1abo~. Mayor <br />Warkentien suggested additional speakers for the other room <br />in case of large crowds. Councilman Steele moved, seconded <br />by Councilman Labalestra, to have Clerk-Admiai.strator Barnes <br />negotiate with the firm for~iaastallation and payment, subject <br />to Council approual. Motion carried. <br />The Tree Committee Report to be deferred to the next meeting. TREE COMMITTEE REPORT <br />The Minnesota Open Meeting Law Letter was read in part OPEN MEETING LAW <br />and discussed by the Council. 7heCouncil decided to wait <br />until the law would be in final draft before the 1975 <br />7~gislature before taking ax~r action. <br />The Parking Lot Maintenance discussion to be deferred to PARKING LOT <br />the next meeting. MAINTENANCE <br />The Council noted that existi;fg ordinances do not cover MINN. MISDEMEANOR <br />misdemeanors specifically, and noted that something should CHAPTER 609 <br />be done so that they would be cowered under the ordinances. <br />_ The Council directed Attorney Kenefick to check into this. <br />Larpenteur Avenue Parking discussion to be deferred to the LARPENTEIJR AVENUE <br />next meeting. PARKING DISCUSSION <br />Fire Reports 68 - 73 were noted. FIRE REPORTS <br />Councilman Ecklnnd moved, seconded by Councilman Steele, GENERAL PAYROLL <br />to approve the general payroll for December 16-30 in the <br />amount of $3,29.42 Motion carried. <br />Councilman Labalestra moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklnnd, GENERAL DISBURSEMENTS <br />to approve the general disbursements for December ?6-30 in <br />the amount of $18,575.5 Motion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, LIQUOR PAYROLL <br />to approve the liquor payroll in the amount of $1,502.20 <br />for December 16-30. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, to LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS <br />approve liquor disbursements in the amount of $18,Sb3.92t <br />for Diecember 16-~. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Black noted that on January 9, 1975 at the neat JOHNSON AND GILBERT <br />Council meeting, that two public hearings would be held for PUBt,IC HEARINGS ON <br />both the Johnson and Gilbert property subdivision requests, SUBDIVISION REQUESTS <br />and that "No Bt~i.1d" requirements would be brought up before FOR NEXT MEETING. <br />those hearings by the Council. The Council directed C1erk- <br />Administrator Barnes to prepare a color map in regard to <br />the two proposed subdivisions. <br />