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2~7? <br />Planning Commission and the Village Engineer and has <br />received conditional approval of the. Village Council; and <br />'~-iE;REA.S, the final survey of said property has been <br />filed with the Council, and request has been made for a <br />public hearing pursuant to Ordinance No. 69: <br />NOW, T?-ir~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council <br />of Falcon Heights that said council shall meet at 8:00 P.I. <br />on December 21, 1966 at the Village Hall to consider the <br />request of Nicholas Pothen, Jr. for subdivisian of an <br />existing tract of land by metes and bounds description, <br />pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 69, said land <br />being described as follows: <br />That part of the North 1/2 of the East 8 acres of the <br />East 2I~ acres of the NE 1/~. of the SW 1/Lt of Section 5, <br />Township 29, Range 23, lying westerly of Hamline Avenue. <br />The Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish Notice of <br />Public Hearing according to law. <br />T~iotion was duly seconded by Stone and upon a vote being taken <br />the following voted for same: Nilsen, Strandquist, Warken- <br />tien, Stone and Black and the following voted against same: <br />None. ~~~lhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed <br />and adopted this 23rd day of November 1966. <br />Klatt Development- ~~darkentien introduced the following resolution and moved <br />Variance Request its adoption: <br />Lot Sizes: <br />6'~HEREAS, Roy P. Klatt, Administrator of the Estate of <br />Conrad Klatt, deceased, has made application for a variance <br />from the provisions of Ordinance No. 6It for four proposed <br />lots of the proposed subdivision to be known as Klatt's <br />Addition No. 2; said lots being Lots 1 and 8, Block !~ and <br />Lots 1 and 8, Block 5, of said proposed Klatt's Addition <br />No. 2; said variance to permit the platting of the four lots <br />at widths of less than 90 feet, but not less than 7S feet, ar~cl <br />YiHEREAS, said request for variance has been referred to <br />the Planning Commission for reco~nendation and report, and <br />~r'~FiEREAS, said Planning Commission has recommended that <br />the request be denied; and <br />WHL'REAS, the Council has fully considered the request, <br />and has consulted with the Village Engineer, who has recomm- <br />ended the granting of said variance, and his found that said <br />variance will not adversely affect the character and devel- <br />opment of the neighborhood, and is in keeping with existing <br />lot sites and that the granting of said variance is necessary <br />to alleviate hardships and difficulties: <br />NO4Y, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thgt said request for <br />variance from the provisions of Ordinance 6?~ is granted. subject <br />to final approval of the Subdivision to be known as Klatt's <br />Addition No. 2. Said variance of Lots 1 and 8, Block ~, and <br />lots 1 and 8, Block 5, of the proposed Klatt's Addition No.2 <br />shall allow said lots to be platted at widths of less than <br />90 feet but not less than 75 feet. <br />