<br />Bills (cont'd)
<br />Wm. H. Hite Agency, prem. to 7-25-55, physical damage to 2 fire trucks, X61,25
<br />n n n » n rr n , auto liability, 2 fire trucks, ~k280.60
<br />General Electric Supply Corp. , !~ #950 battery, F. D. , 39¢
<br />Elwood Larson, fees, gas burner & incinerator permits #58 thru 81, ~11~1~.00
<br />",~cClain ~ Hedman, 1 dater, F.D., 65¢
<br />Northern States Power Co., water heater elec, 8-12, X5.33
<br />-+ rr rt rr elec. service, 8-12, 9~1~.00
<br />rr n tr rr street lighting, 8-12, X70.00
<br />Jos. j~. Koalska, cutting weeds for Villa ge, ~`~65.00
<br />1
<br />Proposed Kenneth Hanson, 1183 California, representing the Falcon
<br />Cities. T-Teights business men, stated in connection with the proposed
<br />Service Cities Ser~ri.ce Oil Company's proposed service station on the
<br />Station southeast corner of Larpenteur and Snelling, that the businessmen
<br /> were reluctant to make their stand known, but that they are
<br /> definitely opposed to the proposed .station. They feel, Hanson
<br /> said, that the saturation point on filling stations has been
<br /> reached in our area and that they become an eye-sore when there
<br /> is an excess number, He said it was felt that this desirable
<br /> corner property should have a type of business building that
<br /> would lake a better appearance. Hanson said he thinks a limit
<br /> should be placed on the number of gasoline service stations
<br /> the same as he believes would be applied in limiting the number
<br /> of dairy queen stores. Attorney Graham stated that. powers
<br /> of the Village to regulate gasoline service stations in his
<br /> opinion are based on health, public safety and general
<br />Attorney welfare. Graham reported on letters from the State Highway
<br />reports Department and County Engineer, stating they had no objections
<br /> from a trafific standpoints to construction of the service
<br /> station at this location. Mr. Grant days, of Cities Service,
<br />Cities Service said his Company was going to spend some money on the corner.
<br />representatives As to the number of service stations, he said that t he overall
<br /> number remains about the same as many are ~?oing out of business.
<br /> ~Sr. Seiffert, in the construction d~~Y$iOri of Cities Service,
<br /> said that his Company was complying with all local and state
<br /> regulations. Application for the wilding permit was received,
<br /> and in checking the proposed plans it was found they did not
<br /> conform with the side yard provision of Section ~0 0~ our
<br />tens ~ rd JuJt o
<br />f
<br />i
<br />'~
<br /> on
<br />or
<br />applicat
<br />zoning ordinance. Cartwright then moved that
<br /> e ~it be deferred until plans are presented
<br />said building p
<br />~
<br /> i
<br />and until the otimers of the
<br />complying with a r ~ n
<br /> property come in with plans showing the development of the rest
<br /> of the property at the southeast corner of Larpenteur and
<br /> Snelling, consisting of 200 ft. on Larpentenr and l~09.5 ft. on
<br /> Snelling avenue, 5havor seconded and motion carried unanimously.
<br />Siren control John Rysgaard reported on bids he secured on the proposed
<br />Fire Station siren control installation at the Fire station, as follows:
<br /> Tieso Electric Company, Inc., X157.00
<br />Ernest Nelson, X170.00
<br /> Question occurred as to whether the Bell and Light warning
<br /> system would work in connection with the siren r, el ay or
<br /> operate separately. Rysgaard will check and report back, and
<br /> the Clerk was asked to check with Hustrulid for his report on
<br /> siren controls.
<br />