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51~ <br />Snow Letter from County Engineer and list of streets proposed for <br />plowing snow plowing, were read. After discussion, Stenzinger moved <br />195l~-55 that the file be referred to Street Commissioner Seaborn, <br />requesting that Burton and Folwell streets be cut off the <br />list, since the Village has never done snow plowing on these <br />streets and. does r_ot have an easement on same. Seconded by <br />Cartwright and motion carried unanimously. In connection <br />with Clapp-Thommsen request for snow plowing in Maple Knoll, <br />it was agreed to have the Street Commissioner see if the County <br />could not use small equipment for this purpose. <br />Attorney's Copies of letters from Attorney Graham were noted with respect <br />letters to (1) question as to whether municipal liquor store may be <br />located in Village under present statute (2) Boehm Heating <br />Company taking out master gas installer's license and. permits <br />(3) Klatt's Addition and necessary easement from School district <br />(4) amending ~~innesota statVttes to simplify method for having <br />boulevard trees trimmed and for assessing costs (5) deadline <br />for filing in Villa ge election (6) A.G.'s opinion that street <br />commissioner may be appointed an election fudge (7) approval <br />of final hard plat of Klatt's Addition and performance bond <br />required in this connection. <br />Bus Fare Attorney Graham reported on hearings to be held by the <br />Hearings, State Railroad and. Warehouse Commission for the purpose of <br />Mpls-St Paul setting permanent bus rates for Minneapolis and St Paul. <br />Falcon Heights, he said, has been asked to participate, but <br />that in view of our situation in this respect and the expense <br />involved in attending such hearings, that he would not recommend <br />doing so. He said any council members wishing to attend could <br />do so. <br />Bills: On motion by Hustrulid, seconded by Stenzinger, the following <br />bills were ordered paid: <br />Falcon Heights Hardware,, supplies,F.D., 9-18, X20.05 <br />Natl Fire Protection Assn., membership starting 11-1, <br />including 6 firemen magazines,~12.50 <br />O.J.Rental & Sales Co., 1 cylinder oxygen, X3.70 <br />Geo. E. Swanson, car mileage, Sept , $23.32 <br />Vol. firemen, payroll, Sept., :150 <br />Nor, States Power Co., water heater elec., $l~.28 <br />" " " elec. serv., 10-12, X16.74 <br />Brown ~ Day, Inc., 1 tongue gras~ing forcep, ~9.l~0 <br />~,~inn. Fire Equipt Co. , 500 f t. 2 ~" d, 3 , fire hose , X739.90 <br />Briggs,Gilbert,Morton,Kyle~~Macartney, legal services to <br />9-3o-5t~,~150; ownership report,Rl7,totall~167 <br />McClainR~Hedman Co.,.office supplies, clerk, ~3.Lt0 <br />Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Mi 5050, 10-1-51t, X15.95 <br />Nick Christensen, fees, bld permits 399 thru 408, $11lt.91 <br />Don Arndt, expenses,, public safety supervisor, Sept., $10.00 <br />Henry Dachtera, policing & mileage, ~152.l~8 (thru 9-30-54) <br />Earl Smith, policing & mileage, thru 10-7-51t, x].03.97 <br />James Waller , policing & mileage thru 9-9-54, ~6l~1.88 <br />Northern States Power Co., street lighting, 10-12, 9670.00 <br />Ramsey County Treasurer,. street work 8-26 to 9-25-5~t, X50.11 <br />