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60~ <br />Arong street Larpenteur, which was deeded to the Village by ~9r. Filson. The <br />Clerk stated he had received the certificate of title and would <br />file same in the Village safe debosit box. <br />F,Yigineering Letter from City and Village ~:ngineers Association of 1!a'innesota, <br />relative to furnishing info rnlation on engineering requirements, <br />was read and ordered filed for future reference. <br />Bills: On motion by Cartwright, seconded by Shavor, the follotiving bills <br />were ordered paid: <br />Don Arndt, expense PS supvr., July, "10.00 <br />Kenneth Schmidt, policing Rc mileage to Aug, 1, ~~61a.63 <br />Henry Dachtera, " " " " " " 161.63 <br />Briggs,Gilbezt,rforton,Kyle Pr i~~?acartney, legal services, July,~:150,00 <br />League of P`inn. h'unicipalities, membership dues, s+.,arting <br />September 1, 1955, X122.00 <br />?'.filler-7avis Co., 100 sheets Clerks record, X7,90 <br />Northwestern '3e11 Telephone Co. , ':,Fi ~-5056, dun 1, ~fi16.00 <br />The Rose Tribune, publish Ord, #35, July 21, X3,30 <br />American Linen Supply, linen service, July 26, :6.55 <br />Baden's Pure Oil, gas R.- oil, 7-29, ~>1a.25 <br />Falcon Heights Ha.rdvrare, supplies, 7-12, "7.88 <br />The Inter-City Printing, 1000 labels for new phone call, ~R.40 <br />~?innesota I~:nvelope Co., 500 printed letterheads, Fire Dent,, X9.50 <br />Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., ?~Si-6-5200, 8-10, X17.20 <br />Park 1,~achine Co. , set ta~nets, ~~'aukesha engine, ~15.1~l~ <br />St Paul Book ~~ S±ationery, supplies, July 25, 3.LtU <br />George B. Swanson, car mileage, July, fi.51~ <br />Volunteer firemen, payroll July, ~76.U0 <br />Ramsey Co. Treas., street work, 6-?_6 to 7-31-55, X111.66 <br />Payt,.for Treasurer Olsen reported he had discussed with the Public Dxaminer's <br />water ex+ension office the deposits received from the property owners, amounting <br />in west Iowa to X700.00, covering the required deposit by the City of St Paul <br />for extending the water main in west Iowa to Lot 2, Block 1G an d <br />Lot 13, Block 8, Northome Second Addition, and that the Public <br /> advised the issuing of receipts and the handling of the <br />disbursement by the Village. Cartwright moved. that the treasurer <br />issue receipts for the deposit money and that the ma±ter be <br />handled. in accordance with letter of July 20 from the k"dater <br />Department, City of St Paul,. and that the Clerk be authorized <br />to issue check in the amount of ~700,OG to the Roard of y"dater <br />Commissioners, covering deposit for said wa+.,er main extension. <br />Seconded by Ste1vart and motion carried unanimously. <br />Premium, interest Treasurer Olsen presented statements from the First, National <br />G bond charges due Bank of Saint Paul, cover ng premium, interest and bond charges <br />1st Natl Bank, due September 1, 1955, in the amount of ~k1,010.25 on Fire <br />9-1-55 i3c}uipment bonds and in the amount of 1,198.00 on Village Hall <br />and Fire Station bonds. Shavor moved that payment of said charges <br />be authorized, Seconded by Stewart and so ordered. <br />II 1 <br />ul <br /> <br />