<br />Watch Fire Chief Swanson s letter of October 5, asking
<br />Schedule tv deviate from the present watch schedule in order
<br />deviation to attend the Firemen~s Benefit Association annual
<br />dance, October 27, 1955, was read. Cartwright
<br />moved that the deviation request be approved,
<br />provided a competent fireman is on duty and provided
<br />there is no additional expense to the Village.
<br />Hustrulid seconded and motion carried unanimously.
<br />Acceptance .The Clerk read a copy of his letter of Sepl~ember 22,
<br />Maple Knoll 1955 to the Etna Casualty and Surety Company, of
<br />streets St Paul, stating:
<br />"On recommendation of our Village E~igineer,
<br />the council voted at its September 11~, 1955 meeting
<br />that the streets in Maple Knoll addition be accepted
<br />and that the Clerk be authorized. to advise the bonding
<br />company that the conditions of the bond have been met
<br />and the bond can be terminated. when the Clerk is
<br />satisfied that the bars are properly placed at the
<br />entrance of the dry wells.
<br />"Having received assurance today from the Village
<br />Engineer that the bars have been properly placed
<br />at the entrance of the dry wells, this is to advis®
<br />that conditions of the bond have been met and that
<br />same can be terminated."
<br />Council approves .Cartwright then moved approval of said action of
<br />the Clerk relative to the streets in Maple Knoll.
<br />Seconded by Hustrulid and so ordered..
<br />Bills: On motion by Hustrulid, seconded by Cartwright,
<br />the following bills were ordered. paid:
<br />Don Arndt, PS Supervisor expense, Sept., X10.00
<br />Henry J. Dachtera, policing ~ mileage, Set., $158.69
<br />Kenneth Schmidt, " " " 173.57
<br />Earl Smith " " " " 193.69
<br />City of So. St Paul, 6 dinners, League meeting, X9.00
<br />Briggs, Gilbert, Morton, Kyle & Macartney, legal
<br />services, September, X175.00
<br />E.D.Larson, fees, gas burner permits thru q-30, X209.28
<br />McClain& Hedman, supplies, Oct. 3, F.D., X2.17
<br />Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Mi-1}-5050, Oct. 1, X15.50
<br />American Linen Supply Co., linen serv., Sept., X6.55
<br />Baden's Pur® Oil Service, 1 battery cable,9-21, X2.70
<br />R.A. Myers & Co., 1 gal toilet soap, FD, X2.70
<br />St Paul Book & Stationery, 2 books, police log
<br />and fire dept. log, X5.70
<br />Geo. E. Swanson, car mileage, Seppt., X7.70
<br />Vol. Firearen, payroll, Sept., X56.00
<br />Ramsey Co. Treas,, Street work, Sept ., X96.96
<br />Joe W. Koalska, cutting weeds, Oct. 4, X45.00
<br />State Treas., PERA deduc tions, Sept., X59.99
<br />1956 Budget
<br />The remainder of the meeting, about two hours,
<br />was devoted to working on the 1956 budget Which
<br />
<br />