<br />Bills (cont'd) Falcon Hts. Hardware, paint ~ lock, apt. office, VH, X13.75
<br />Stanley P.Schultz, extra hrs., fireman, 1st hf Apr., X48.75
<br />Bertrand J. Slama, extra hrs. " " X48.75
<br />Vol. Firemen, payroll, March, 9153.00
<br />The Keller Corp., Fire & Extended ins. prom to 4-2Lt-57,~76.8s
<br />Thorne Coal Rr Oil Co., fuel oil bal, 3-21, $96.76
<br />Nor. States Power Co., elec. serv., Apr. 12, 929.28
<br />a n n n ~ Apt. elec., Apr. 12, X3.92
<br />n " " " water heater elec., Apr., $2.72
<br />n ri n " Street lighting, ~-12, $93.33
<br />n n rr n warming house elec, Apr 12, X1.00
<br />Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Mi l~-5050, Apr. 1, X15.00
<br />Briggs,Gilbert,Morton,Kyle & Macartney, legal serv.,Mar.,9~150.00
<br />St Paul Stamp Works, coat badge & hat badge~s'9fi15.00
<br />Strandquist Texaco Service, snow plowing at Blomberg store, 9615.00
<br />Ramsey Co. Treas., street work, Mar., X403.48
<br />Drainage John H.McLean, 1513 West California, reported on a drainage
<br />John H. McLean problem in his area, Arona and California, where water has
<br />been backing up for some time. Street Commissioner Christensen
<br />was asked to discuss the matter with Village Engineer Carley.
<br />Speeding Fairview John i~, b~acGregor, 1795 North Fairview, called attention to
<br />speeding on Fairview between Larpenteur and Roselawn, especially
<br />mornings when children are on the road, walking to the corner
<br />for the school bus, Cartwright moved that the matter be referred
<br />to the Public Safety Committee for investigation and report.
<br />Seconded by Stewart and carried. unanimously.
<br />Service Lanes, Sumner E. Hood, 1597 Hollywood Court, reported. on the problem
<br />Snelling of driving from the Court onto the Service lane becaus~~'of_~
<br />Snelling avenue motorists using the service lane as a thorough
<br />fare in spite of posted. signs reading, "No Thru Traffic."
<br />After discussion, Shavor moved that we write to Mr. Darrell,
<br />State Traffic Engineer, regarding the matter, asking if the
<br />'No Thru Traffic' sign has any legal effect and 7.f 10-mile
<br />speed limit signs can be installed on service lanes to
<br />discourage th ru traffic. Seconded by Cartwright and motion
<br />carried. unanimously.
<br />Jansen Bros. Inc. R. J. Moder, of coder Real Estate, St Paul, submitted a petition
<br />petition datedrApr:~~l~hsigned by Jansen Bros., Inc. and others, requesting
<br />that the property approximately at 1790 West Larpenteur Avenue
<br />be rezoned from Farm Residence to Industrial District. After
<br />discussion, Stewart moved that the petition be referred to our
<br />attorney for checking, and if he finds the petition sufficient
<br />that it be referred to our Commission for study and
<br />recommendation, also that ~ hearing be held on the petition
<br />at our next regular meeting, April 25, 1956, at 8:30 P.M., the
<br />Cle rk to post the required notice. Seconded by Cartwright and
<br />motion carried unanimously.
<br />N.L. Hermes N. L. Hermes and his contractor, Ivar Johnson, of '~inneapolis,
<br />Store bldg permit submitted plans in connection with request for a building
<br />,permit to construct a store building, 40x80, on property
<br />adjoining the N.L. Hermes Floral ~ Gift shop, 1709 N. Snelling.
<br />Installing of a basement hose inlet box in the proposed building
<br />was discussed. Shavor then moved that our building inspector
<br />be authorized to issue said permit, subject to the plans
<br />conforming to .code requirements. Seconded by Stewart and. motion
<br />carried unanimously.
<br />