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30 <br />Section III: Duties Relating to Public Access <br />• FEES FOR PROVIDING COPIES OF PUBLIC DATA <br />Minnesota Statutes section 13.03 provides that, if a person requests copies or electronic transmittal of <br />public government data, the responsible authority for the government entity may require the requesting <br />person to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of <br />employee time, and for making, certifying, compiling and electronically transmitting copies of the <br />data, or the data themselves, but may not charge for separating public data from not public data. <br />Additional criteria for determining copy costs are set forth at Minnesota Rules, part 1205.0300, subpart 4. <br />Various Commissioner's opinions, issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 13.072, have established <br />the following factors that may be used to determine how much an entity may charge for providing copies <br />of public data. <br />THESE COSTS MAY BE INCLUDED, AS LONG AS THEY ARE REASONABLE: <br />• Staff time required to: <br />• retrieve documents (The requirement that data be kept in a manner that makes them easily <br />accessible for convenient use may limit the entity in charging for search and retrieval time) <br />• sort and label documents, if necessary to identify the data to be copied <br />• remove staples, paper clips <br />• take documents to copier for copying <br />• copy documents <br />• Materials (paper, copier ink, staples, diskettes, mag tapes, video or audio cassettes, etc.) <br />• Special costs associated with making copies from computerized data, such as writing or modifying a <br />• computer program to format data (keeping in mind that computerized data must be easily accessible <br />for convenient use) <br />• Mailing costs <br />• Vehicle costs directly involved in transporting data to the appropriate facility when necessary to <br />provide copies (for example, when the government entity is unable to provide copying services for <br />photographs, oversize documents, videos, etc.) <br />THESE COSTS MAYNOT BE INCLUDED: <br />• Purchase of copier <br />• Maintenance of copier <br />• Normal operating expenses of computer <br />• Staff time required to: <br />• Separate public from not public data <br />• Open a data request that was mailed <br />• Sort, label or review data, if not necessary to identify the data to be copied <br />• Return documents to storage <br />• Provide information about the data to the requester (ie, explain content and meaning of data) <br />• Administrative costs that are not related to copying <br />• Records storage <br />• Sales tax <br />• The entire cost of operating amulti-tasked computer for a measured unit of time, when fulfilling a <br />request for copies was only one of the tasks performed during that unit of time. <br />July, 2000 Model Policy: Access to Government Data & Rights of Subjects Data <br />
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