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08-12-2015 Council Packet
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08-12-2015 Council Packet
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8/12/2015 9:26:55 AM
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8/12/2015 9:17:47 AM
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from March if the contingency is not factored in. That is due to the reimbursable <br />expenses that kept accruing during the project. <br />Design Fee <br />The architect, Oertel, has a fee set at 5.85% of construction costs, which is $188,324. <br />That is down about $230 from March. <br />The Civil Engineer's costs were estimated at $20,000. To date, Elfering Engineering has <br />billed $23,651.10 for the project and they anticipate an additional $5000 of work in the <br />spring and fall when the rest of the parking lot is installed. That brings the new estimated <br />total to $28,651.10. <br />The site survey and soil borings were performed by Braun Intertec. The site survey was <br />$2200 and the soil borings were $4175.58. That leaves a total of $6375.58 compared to <br />an estimated budget of $10,000. <br />Material Testing and Inspection <br />There have been no special inspection fees or surcharges nor are any anticipated for the <br />remainder of the project. <br />SAC charges from Met Council amounted to $14,910. The new building resulted in nine <br />SAC units and we received credit for three SAC units for the existing buildings prior to <br />demolition. So the net was six SAC units at $2485 per unit. <br />Data cabling and connection fees had an estimated budget of $10,000. The low voltage <br />work contract that was awarded to MTG last meeting was $5277. There were also costs <br />of $2362 for a network switch and $772 for a UPS power supply. That leaves a total of <br />$8418 for data cabling and connection fees, which is under the $10,000 budget. <br />Hazardous Materials Testing and Removal <br />The asbestos removal was budgeted at $10,000 and came in at $9621.14. This number <br />would have been lower but additional asbestos was discovered after the abatement <br />contractor started work. <br />The underground tank and soil contamination work was performed by American <br />Engineering and Testing. The estimate was $15,000 and the number came in at $12,900. <br />Other Items <br />The furniture and equipment costs have been budgeted in the City's regular budget <br />separately from the Facility costs. The final furniture expenditure was $23,981.89. <br />Appliances cost $1770 (washer, dryer, and microwave. The refrigerator came from City <br />Hall). And turn out lockers in the vehicle storage bay cost $2,122. Landscaping has thus <br />far yielded a total expenditure of 16,767. That includes sod, seed, irrigation, plants, and <br />edging. Numerous shelving units and other supplies have been purchased for the work <br />shops. Those figures will be tabulated by Wednesday's meeting. <br />
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