!2e(;ul>ar lceet:in~~; - Sc:pt> .1. , .1.962
<br />Upon. nurtion by Vitale, seconded b)f kia.cla:e:r$ :i.b wa:a
<br />"Y2Tl;.iCal,',r]±;py 1rD1P,13f~lAS, Lois 13 az;d :D of ldadeau Add9.l;ion are in fact
<br />a.cres~ roads on„9.nall.y platted as u:~iva,te alleywa.;ysy asad,
<br />ir7tfL~<2]?A.S, these tracts kzavo pecornc ta,x Fo:r£e:i.~ted a,n.d are a,va:ila:ba.e
<br />to tkae Villa.,3e oa Littae Canada bo i>c3 a.cyu:i.red fo:r street .purposes,
<br />a11d 5
<br />'idHTl'1.iLtl~iy tkaese a.11e~Yways are needed .for si;reet ou:rposes w:ith:in Cho
<br />Va.LLa~e of Little Canada,
<br />CT Ia' Rk!;SOh~1~1)y that 'the V:Cl.la.ge Council oi' the Vi].1a~e o:i Litt.e
<br />Canada does hereby regues~b pu.rsurarrl; to k~iinnesoi;a Statui;es, 194y,
<br />Seci;i.on 7_£32, 01., 'L-hat tka.e Stata of "lkYi,mlesol;a convey l:,o~t ~ ]3 aa~d.:D
<br />o.f ~;adeau Add i.t:ion to the V:i.lla~;e oS' hitt:le Canada for zzse as
<br />ViJ.].age strreets axrd. that the a~l;torzzey, 'ihe tlTa;,ror and the C7.e:rlc,
<br />Ue and are hereby autlzo:c:i_red grad d:i.rectecl. to e:xecul;e the proper
<br />appk.ica;bion. foxvns bo acquire said lands for V:il:1a~•e use anal forevard.
<br />said Po:rms i;o the Couz2ty Avd:'r_to.r. of the Coiurt;y oY 1'tarnsey>"
<br />1~5~~es - ~ brays - 0
<br />'?'kae resoa_ubi.orz was adopbed.,
<br />P,'ir. Riaha:rd Boss appeased before bkre Counc:i.l a».d. 59;zzted Chart -the 111:1eci;ric;a7.
<br />(rasoeci;ar had asked 1~.'r. Boss i;o advise 6he Villa;;c Counc:i.] rc~ard:u~.g~ ce:rta.in
<br />_nadc.g.uac:i.es :in ~i;heelectr:i_cal_ pro'vi ~iora.s o£ Lhe hittl.e Ca~~aaiia bui.ld:ing• code. Izfter
<br />hcaxa.ng this .re~oo:rt, ~i;he Council. :Lns'truci.ed the 'V:i] lade Llti;arraey~' ~t;o o'bta:i.n and
<br />prep re the necessary amendments 'to tkae bu.rlding code for ~tkae purpose of u~ g-ra.d'in{;
<br />i;he el.ect:ci.na,]. re;rui.:retnents.
<br />TYae Clerk .road. a ].eater from ~,9l.npe rr Cai•1cy ~ ~; ,oci.a'I;es cefer~r>n~ i;o the
<br />draiinz,,c from t-ae nc~r stan.ior hiE;h sel~aoo7 property.
<br />U~loon mot:iora by ~T:i.tal.e, seconded b~~~ IYack:er, :i~b was
<br />"12FlSOLV:[1D, R'i1Pi,2L(tS, i~t is proposed- i;o oon>trazct surface vrater
<br />d.:rainage vaw•lcs from the site o.f.' the near senator h.;i.~;h sohoo:ty wla:ich
<br />vrill occupy B:ioelcs :5 and ~ of 7"orth i3iae Stree(: acre I,,ots, oas~twa:rd,
<br />a:l.ong~ Demont ,t-ree~t, under the f~oo Irine '!3ai.a.road_ rr r;,ht-~of-w~;y to
<br />aa-va,, e :[,ake and. I;o p:c•ovi.de ncec ssa:r.^•Y ov_tflow .i:c~om 5zv~ e La1cc~, and.
<br />to a css tbc, Ix;ne.f:ited. property .for a,11 or a, pot:ioxa o.f.' th.e cost o:C
<br />the :improvemexit, prz:rsuanl; to 1'iti_nno Stats<, Seos. ~?y.01'J, to ¢29<11:1
<br />(:Laws 1953, Cl'z< 39E3, as amended~y
<br />?vOl'1 'Pl P~7It+0?l!, :B]? ~I`I' 12L~'S0:'v~a71~11) i',Y !PIaI+ Va']:,1,AGl~' 0]?' L:I'P9'Ll~] C.AIF.~:D2,
<br />i'a rll;~r~ao~et,. e
<br />!i'laa~b 'tYae 'proposed .i.mnravemeni; be zroCerred 'to the Vi]_lalre 1ni,a,r:eer•
<br />:far study aa:a.d. ~tha~b he :is instructed. to report to tkae Cou»c:L1 tivtla
<br />a.a.]_ convenienb speed. ~dvi_s3.a:zt; the council. in a pre~.i.m=.nary vray as
<br />to whe~th.er the proposed. i.mprovernen~t :is feasible aald a.s to whetkaer
<br />:i..t ehoul.d. besi; l~~e made as proposed. a)' :in conraecti.on wi_~bkz some o~bher
<br />impro~«eiiaent, and Cho eetima'Ced co:>t o:C the :inip:rovonaezat as reconunended,
<br />eyes - ~ ?,ar~y:> - o
<br />_ ~,
<br />