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11-18-2020 Council Packet
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11-18-2020 Council Packet
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1/13/2022 3:29:51 PM
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primarily for rental licensing and code enforcement inspections, but could also be utilized by other <br />administrative staff for meetings or conferences when needed. This amount was included in the 2020 <br />projects but not purchased, due the delay in the hiring of the Code Enforcement Officer. <br />Additional capital project expenditures in the Administration Department include standard computer and <br />network switch upgrades ($12,450) and replacement phones ($5,000). The current phones will not be <br />supported after 2021. <br />Fire (Page 21) <br />Fire equipment has traditionally been funded by the General Capital Improvement Fund (400) and the Fire <br />Equipment Fund (457). The City levies $160,000 in property taxes for fire equipment in the Fire Equipment <br />Fund. There should be discussion whether all fire equipment purchases after 2021, should be included <br />in the Fire Equipment Fund (457). <br />2021 fire equipment to be replaced include the fire radios ($192,000), and the 3rd Command Vehicle <br />($63,700). The other two Command Vehicles were replaced in 2019 and 2020. As has been done in the <br />past, the reserve line ($40,200) is included in the 2021 capital as requested by the LCFD. These funds will <br />only be utilized if there is an unforeseen capital emergency. The aerial truck ($1,352,000) is proposed <br />to be replaced in 2022. A committee from LCFD is currently meeting to determine appropriate the <br />vehicle to be purchased based on the current and future needs of the department. <br />All large fire vehicles and equipment have been included in the plan due to the large replacement cost. <br />If an item will not be replaced by 2025, the anticipated replacement costs are identified in the <br />future column. <br />Parks & Recreation Department (Page 22-23) <br />The Parks & Recreation Commission has continued to be involved in the Capital Improvement Projects <br />(CIP) planning. The Commission sets three priorities for the year, which helps staff work towards those <br />goals. For 2020, the top priorities by the Parks & Recreation Commission were to complete the <br />Gervais Mill entrance, to complete the Pioneer Park Master Plan process, and to complete the <br />Spooner Park Lower Shelter. These projects were scheduled for 2020, but due to many factors <br />including the pandemic, they have been moved to 2021 for completion and remain the top priorities <br />of the Parks and Recreation Commission. <br />The Parks Master Plan is also being used as a guiding document to program Parks & Recreation <br />capital projects. It should be noted that financial considerations were not a part of the Parks Master <br />Plan. The plan is meant to guide future park decisions based on the input that was received during <br />the planning process. As projects that were identified in the Parks Master Plan are added to the CIP, a <br />plan for financing these projects will need to be developed. <br />Highlights of the 2021 projects are as follows: <br />•Gervais Mill Entrance - Upgrade and enhance the Gervais Mill Park Entrance (Noel Street side). <br />The Parks & Recreation recommended a preliminary design in 2019, and it was bid in 2020. Due <br />to the high cost of the bid, the project was moved to 2021. The project has increased from <br />$51,750 to $110,000. <br />•Spooner Park Lower Shelter – $75,000 for a new larger open-air shelter for rental to better <br />serve the needs of the community. <br />•Interpretive Signage – Add interpretive signage and wayfinding signage at each park throughout <br />the park system. The signs will highlight the area that park users are in and give an overall view4
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