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are less than three (3) feet in width, length, and height, shall be <br />prohibited wherever the City Council determines that reasonable <br />alternatives exist consistent with this section. The applicant <br />states that the outdoor storage will consists of flat bed and <br />box truck parking, a waste oil storage tank, vehicles awaiting <br />repair and miscellaneous scrap metal and auto parts stored in <br />waste containers. <br />6. When storage or shipping containers are utilized, the following <br />regulations shall apply: No shipping containers are identified in <br />the application. <br />i. Containers shall be those manufactured expressly for the <br />purpose of storing and/or shipping materials. <br />ii. No container, for the purpose of this ordinance, shall be greater <br />than 40 feet in length. <br />iii. No more than four (4) such containers may be utilized on any <br />one property. <br />iv. There shall be no storage of hazardous materials, as defined by <br />the zoning ordinance Section 902, within any such container. <br />7. Outdoor storage areas must be kept in an orderly condition, <br />permitting vehicular access to all materials or equipment. Lanes at <br />least ten (10) feet in width shall be required to meet this standard. <br />No portion of the outdoor storage shall be more than fifty (50) feet <br />from any access lane or other drive aisle. The site plan does not <br />detail the layout of all the storage components. <br />8. Except for construction equipment which is stored or parked in its <br />most compact condition, outdoor storage may not exceed eight (8) <br />feet in height as measured from the ground on which it is located. <br />The site plan does not detail the layout of the storage in terms <br />of height. <br />9. The storage area shall be fenced and fully screened from adjoining <br />non-industrial property, park and trail areas, and public right of way. <br />Where properly fenced and screened, outdoor storage may <br />encroach into the required side or rear yard setback area. The plan <br />does not detail screening -this should be verified and added <br />to fhe site plan. <br />10. Screening shall consist of masonry walls or fencing constructed of <br />wood or vinyl, as well as landscaping. Metal fencing may be used <br />where landscaping provides a complete year-round screen and is <br />irrigated to ensure survivability in compliance with Section <br />903.020.E (Fence section). See Comment No. 9. <br />11. Waste or recyclable material shall be contained in a refuse <br />container. All such containers shall be stored within a screened <br />enclosure within the rear yard of the property. The site plan does <br />not detail the location of waste containers -this requirement <br />shall be a condition of approval. <br />12. The storage area shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other <br />material approved by the City Council. The storage area is <br />primarily gravel, which has been approved in other similar <br />permits. <br />3 <br />