<br />7) Areas, other than street and utility easements, that you intend to dedicate for public use,
<br />including their areas.
<br />The applicant describes the linear trail and open areas under the existing power lines.
<br />
<br />Section 915, General Development Requirements:
<br />Off-Street Parking and Loading: Townhouse, (2) spaces per dwelling unit for residents’ use
<br />counting the private driveway plus a minimum of 1 shared space per 3 dwelling units for visitors’
<br />use. The proposal complies with this requirement and provides 356 townhome spaces and 61 guest
<br />spaces.
<br />
<br />Section 915.140, Landscaping and Screening:
<br />This section outlines the various criteria for landscaping requirements including site landscaping,
<br />plant sizes and varieties, screening, and tree and woodland protection. The proposal complies with
<br />this requirement and includes an Overall Landscape Plan (Sheet LS-101) in the submittals. On the
<br />east side of the development along the property line with adjacent property owners, landscape
<br />screening will be utilized to screen potential headlights. Evergreen trees may be added to this area
<br />and added to the existing plan if deemed necessary to help screen development from adjacent
<br />properties. In Phase 1, there will be 911 plantings consisting of Deciduous Trees, Evergreen Trees,
<br />Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials in accordance with the Zoning Code.
<br />
<br />Development Review Committee:
<br />The Development Review Committee is made up of city staff including the City Administrator,
<br />Community Development Director, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Code Enforcement,
<br />Fire Chief, and Building Official. The proposal has been reviewed by the committee and comments
<br />have been provided to the applicant.
<br />Site Plan reviews include the following:
<br />• Land use, setbacks, number of housing units, land coverage, parking, environmental
<br />impacts, traffic circulation,
<br />• Landscape improvements, vehicle and pedestrian movements, drainage and utilities,
<br />security, fire protection, life and safety issues, grading, site preparation, right-of-way,
<br />easements, tree preservation, outdoor trash,
<br />• Screening, signage, stormwater, wetlands, exterior lighting, and storm sewer alignment.
<br />
<br />Traffic Study:
<br />Ramsey County required a traffic analysis which is a study that anticipates the traffic counts, not
<br />an actual study which cannot be done until after the project is done to count the actual vehicles.
<br />The study shows that surrounding road networks are adequate to handle the additional traffic. The
<br />models show there would be about 70 trips each in the morning and evening. There will be design
<br />elements in the Vanderbie Street (bump-in and bump-outs) on the south end that can be used for
<br />traffic calming.
<br />
<br />Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District Comments:
<br />(Please see the Watershed’s Comments Memo)
<br />At their October 5th meeting, the RWMWD reviewed Pioneer Commons, and recommended
<br />approval of the Watershed District permit provided that the three provisions requested are met.