<br /> i4:C1`tU`L':~;:i
<br /> City Council
<br /> (Contact,)
<br />
<br /> F'ebru.ary 13, 1)80
<br /> StrE;et A4r. UeJ3ace introduced the :r.'ollowin~; resoJ.u:tion and moved its adopti.ona
<br /> ;zueepi_ng
<br /> bids iZ}sSGLUTlOiV" i'dG, 60-2~9C CIaa~L:I:PI(.r I~'Ck2 'tI.li IzDV1i;R`~ISL[~i]?NT
<br /> F0:[Z I3IllS FOlt :3'1'Z~ls`.i' S'rvLP;PI1dG P'Ol? 19f30
<br /> The Foregoing resolution. teas ctu:l..y secozared by N,irs, 5calze,
<br /> Ayes !)elsace, Scalze, iianson9 iQad.eau, :whey,
<br /> 1'dayes (U)
<br /> Etesolution declared adop~bed,
<br /> This resolution appears in L~.eso.Lut:ion Booh No, 6, Page 56,
<br /> :dater Courzcilozan Pe;?2ace r. sported that the Util ity Depa,x"tment vaou'ld li_lce 'I;o
<br /> 1.leters se11 ttao 8-inch t•aater meters that it ha.s, `.l'he meters are about lU
<br /> to 12 years old, `Che Utility :Department i_s estimating; it ca.n ge't
<br /> about; X500 :E'o.r tote meters,
<br /> '1'kzE LngS.neer stated that tno 5t. Paul %3ater llepa.rtrnent may be
<br /> interested in the meters,
<br /> Stia.ter forks i'i-r, lle;;ace :introduced tYze Foll.ocaing .resolution and rnovec't its adoption:
<br /> As so c:i.a t:.i-on
<br /> Member. snip ,E)'sSU1:~U9'ION N0, 80®?w~l - d~YPhUU1NG TIIi; 1'.!'iYMLNT OF :;165,00
<br /> }?Gii 1ZUGl;It UI.IIN'L,I:lEa S Jll~'tls:l:C.tN 't,~ATEh '4r01Z1<7 ASSOCIk1'1'SO:C?
<br /> ''ne foregoi.n; resolution tra.s duly seconded by Elr, iiarzson.
<br /> „yes (5) J)ef3ace, ttanson, Diadeau, Sca.J.ze, l~'aczey,
<br /> i~dayes (0).
<br /> l~te;io~.ut:.i.on declared adopted,
<br /> Thisr~so_CU.c:ion appears :i.n esolution ;?ook Noa 6, J'age y't,
<br /> ~~i.gnin„ z ~!~e„ace ixrbrod'ucf:d the Fo:flowing rc :iolub:i.o ~ U.xzdzzroved its adoptions
<br /> Seminar
<br /> kt/;?;~SOLU`i'ICI`1 id0> i;G-»2-y^2 - ~l':t'/R()V_^lznuG 1.'[=; P'rz/.i?i`~'J:' w6,00
<br /> J'V Y~ A~DCIl~~~4 ciJ.~~i.~i'.,ia 1 ..t:~d111l1A~!(.~, ."1l. 4~ b1CYNl.`IC, u~~l`~~.I~l AIL
<br /> 9:Yze Foregoing resolution caa.s dziJ.y seconded, by i~A-r, IYansona
<br /> iayes (5) 1)eiacey .Ianson, <zhey, tiadeau, Scalze,
<br /> I~iayes (0) ,
<br /> 2esolution dec.l.~>reel adopted.
<br /> `a~h1S re50~-U'tlori aplJOa.rS :Ln itP„iOllAtlon Ii00:C I:O, Jy z'age j7e
<br /> y ~ ,
<br /> equipment Counci'Janarz i)eltace reported ~na.t the Unlit De a.rtrne~nt Yras submztitec.
<br /> Yi..a,n a zive year equipment plan to the P:i.arzner>
<br /> Pa,rl~ Charges Counciltroruan t;ca.lze stated that the k'arlc Corcmzissi.on meetings are 1ze:Ld
<br /> on tkze last `l''hursday o:.° the z~~onth,
<br /> Scalre also suggested that cliscussioxi aF the Ci.ty's park ckzar~es be
<br /> i7o).d over until next month.
<br /> Page mm23~
<br />
<br />