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riz~u~rEs <br />City Council <br />April 89 1981 <br />A resident of the area along Edgerton asked if it was intended to <br />connect the bike trails to Lake ~halen. <br />Mr. Zearnord replied that when the whole system is completed it would <br />be pos:sable to get from Laice ~'halen to Stillwater by bike. <br />A rnember of the audience stated that no parking should be mandatory <br />in the area of the Bsach' otherwise the b9.xe trails wi7.1 not be able <br />to be used in this area. <br />rlr, k'orsberg asked if the guard rail will be removed in order to <br />add the bike trmil to Ldgerton. Mr. Learnoxd replied that the guard <br />rail will remain, and the bike trail will fit a.n, Mr. Lc~arnord also <br />stated that any existing curbing that would have to be removed in <br />order to construct the bike lanes will be replaced by the Couraty, <br />Tt wi11 not be necessary to get out of the existing right-of-way in <br />order to construct these bike lanes. Mr, Learnord also stated that <br />there will be some stoxm sewer and ditch work done a.n the area to <br />taKe care of drainage problems that current].y exist on Edgerton. <br />A member of the audience asked a.f it were unusual to construct bike <br />7.anes on both sides of a streeta Mr, Learnord replied that it was <br />not as bikes should move in the same direction as cars. <br />,Another person in the audience asxed if the mail boxes on Edgerton <br />would have to be moved. ifir. Learnord thought that 11 the mail <br />boxes would have to be moved. <br />Someone expressed concern that a four-foot iaide bike lane would not <br />be wide enough. Mr. Learnord stated that fourmfeet is within the <br />starAdards establ9.shed for bike lanes. <br />A member of the audience e~cpressed concexn that a£ter a few years <br />the lanes would be abandoned, and this was just a way to get <br />Ldgerton Strest widened. <br />Mr. Forsberg stated that he did not f'eel the addition of bike lanes <br />would 'lower the speed of cars traveling on F:dgerton. Foxsberg also <br />stated that ihe improvement o£ Edgerton Street should be considered <br />before bike lanes are conaidered, k9r. Forsberg also felt that some- <br />thing should be done with the drainage problems along Edgexton north <br />oS Little Canada Road, Forsberg stated that the Couzity will not <br />clean the ditches or culverts in this aroae <br />Mr. Learnord stated that north o£ Little Canada Road on Ed~erton9 <br />the County will be changixig some grading and replacing some of the <br />culverts. This would help the drainage of the area> <br />N1x. Forsberg asked ylr, Learnord what happened to the County~s plaa~s <br />to lower Edgerton Street, Mr. Leaxnord stated that there has not <br />been any serious aonsideration given to these plans due to lack of <br />funds, <br />Nir. Forsberg stated that Edgerton has a break-away problem due to <br />a 20 foot conCrete mat it has under it, Mr. Learnord stated that <br />the County replies on its Nlaintet~~.nce Departrnexit to keep this under <br />control. <br />Yage -8- <br />