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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 10, 1981 <br />Cynthia Kath informed the C,ouncil that Kath Bros, would 1ike to set back <br />the building it is proposing 21 feet from the location of Vdoodlyn Avenue <br />and 15 Peet back from the property 1ine. <br />Councilman Fahey informed Kath that the only way th~s could be approved <br />would be through a variance as the Council did not adopt proposed Ordinance <br />No. 175, which would a11ow the average of the setbacks of the adjacent <br />structures to be used as the setback for the proposed bui1ding. <br />Mrs. Nardini also informed Kath that the Fire Department does not recal1 <br />informing Kath Bros, that their vehicles must be housed somewhere other <br />than their present building. <br />Mayor Flanson pointed out that the setback requirement for either a <br />front yard or side yard abutting a street is 40 feet. This would <br />require a 25 foot variance in the case of Kath Bros. <br />Mrs. Scaize felt that the request comes down to the fact that Kath Bros. <br />has expanded their business and the properf.y has grown too small to <br />accommodate the business. <br />Mayor Flanson pointed out ~hat in this particular area there are very few <br />buildings that conform to setback requirements. <br />Councilman Fahey stated that he was not in ~avor of grant~ng a 25 foot <br />variance. Given the City's ordinance, Fahey felt that Kath Bros. did <br />not qualify for a variance as there was no hardship proven. Mr. Fahey <br />stated that Kath Bros. has outgrown its property. <br />Ms. Kath asi<ed the Council if it would hold Kath Bros. to the 40 foot <br />variance, or if Kath Bros. could get approval for a lesser variance. <br />Mr. Fahey commented that it did not make any difference to him the size <br />ofi the variance, the fact was that Kath aros. could not meet the requirements <br />of the City's code. Mr. Fahey read the requirements that Kath Bros. must <br />meet in order to qualify for a variance. fahey a1so stated that if the <br />Council grants a variance it must have specific findings that it will not <br />create traffic problems on Woodlyn Avenue. <br />Mr. Fahey also suggeste~ that the City Engineer determine the exact <br />1ocation of Woodlyn Avenue. <br />Mrs. Scalze suggested that Ka~h Bros, go back to the cirawing board to <br />determine if there is another way to get the building in without a <br />variance. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the foilowing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 81-6-285 - TABLING ACTION ON THE KATH aROS. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST UNTIL THE COUNCIL RECEIVES A REPORT FROM <br />THE CITY EMGINEER CONCERNTNG THE LOCATION OF WOODLYN AVEPIUE <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini. <br />F~yes (5) Scalze, Nardini, Flanson, Forsberg, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution 6ook No. 7, Pages 213 and ?14. <br />Paae -9- <br />