<br />City Courzcal
<br />Septe,nbe:c 23, ~9f31
<br />7'he s\ttorney also stated that i~Ar, Johz~.soz~ kit~.,, a~,reed to gi've LYae Catf
<br />a~p.roxima.tely 1,000 squ.are .feet rnore unde.r the saane c+,rr~ngemc;xit, t.hat th~
<br />City origixi311y negotiaLed wi.tb. h:irna
<br />'1'he on.ly other ease,uent tha,t is ou~,staxiding i.s i'roi~i E'razilc 1~ratta..Losze,
<br />i7r, l~r.a,tl;a,lonF is buy~i.ng thc proper~ty invo_Lved £rorn Auir, Stenc~+er uxzclex•
<br />a contraci9 and be.f.ore I~ir, S'tenge.r c~tould ~ive the C:ity an easc;rnerxi:,
<br />he wanted ~.~ir. '~ra'ttalone to a~>prove bh~ easemento Bo~h ~;entlernesz have
<br />now a.greed to i;he easemezz~;9 and the k.Lto.rney arill r;et bo'th of ti~e:i.x•
<br />si~natu.res orz t,he necessary papers<
<br />~~~yor. ii~r,9on ~s:ced :~f' ~lr. o Ander~on wo~uld be a,ssessed fc~r. 1'a,riz Streat,
<br />The k.~ttorney rep7.ied ~chai; l~zclee~soxz taoul<a i~o a.ssesseay ou~t zxo ea.ssnier~t
<br />is necessaxy frora hi.in,
<br />I°Sr, rorsber.g~ poin~ted oub chn:t b;y rno~rirzg k'~xi~ Stx~eet; (~s, Andersoxi wi],].
<br />l~a.ve 3u snore ~~~et oz' pro~er~t,y,
<br />The tlttorney a,lso i.nfox~~ned 1;1~e uounci.l ~b}zat if ~ossa:b.Le, A•ar, ~ehr.
<br />arzd 1-ar, Coni,ay woul~9 L_ilce the ;~avetnk;~t oi' ear=< 5tre~t as f'a.r west,
<br />iri thP e~is~rneza~E a.s ~oss ~.ble,
<br />i~ar.m F.'or.e;ber.g a:;iced if.' i;.he e~se,uerzi; ~a;y~aent i;o .r:ro Vill.eaux ~~oU1d be
<br />r.educed as he no~a kaa.s to c;ive ikae Ci.ty J.ess px~oa>e;rt~ tn~n o.ra.~;:~na,il.,y
<br />-~nta.cip~,tedo 1'he t~~r,to.rney' i.nclir.a,ted th~zi: the C~,.ty~ tisas ~~~i.n~; Villeau;~
<br />E'or. t:he t.rees ~ha.c he c•rou:Ld be loosinf;, arxd th:is h.as nol, ci,,;zA:;,eca b:/
<br />i~IOVJTI£; `L':nE; •,O~lrie :.:C7.8 L'11~'.L71CEC' l.T7C~1.C(l'~8(i l;rl~'~ 'f;k~r^, (:Y'(;f;;> :Sl(~ hLI.SYlE;S "tYIE,'
<br />Ci:ty is payin~ for are loca,ted a.lozzg ~Che b,ou.sF~; ~.nd the change ~.rx i;lie
<br />ro-.rt loc~tion is iurther bac<c,
<br />The ~1'tLorziey indaca~ted tha.t a:F ~the pavFn~ezat caciszot be loca~;ed L'a.r ~Vaesi,
<br />in ~cl'ze oasc;mczzt, ~bhat *,r~.:il zzot e,'ie~rh, t;rie ea.sE.ue,~~l; ~the Oit~r ha,et obtai.ried
<br />~~S'Oii1 't'ib°SY'Se .ir:~l:.2' E]iiCi \ii:Sl'4!^.~,
<br />..xC l,Sl~_LS18C;i S'GY:GGCi G'518.'Ci 'i:~Xlti CO(1Gl~;,CGt)I 1 t..i 1I110 ;ilf',U (11115 {:'tlc3.'~ Gr1E ~JOT1C!
<br />'~'or tkic pro~ec{, is oxz ibs V,~~,
<br />;.';,yen i~vczzue ,
<br />.Che F~ttornoy st~c~ca ~~;h3,~ hE has co•np_le~ed ~bon~c 30 ca.samezits for
<br />ux ^.,,irzage
<br />i'a.yzze ~lvenue ax~~zia~o, ~'I~e ueok~ie, Srobrz Cdr~nada. IIoi~zes are taKi.zig
<br />~i'.,8.5 BIf1811 i„ ~
<br />tkiese easemcn~i;s axound :E'or s i_~;na:ture,
<br />Si„ Jude t4r, Pi-zr~cv indic~~od tx.iat he wi1:1 be ~rAoocing~ cvi.~kA sonieon~ f'x~om St, Jucle9s
<br />POI7 oza 'cheir z''Q)~ a~,;reement xzex~t *a~eek.
<br />~~~oodl.yzzrz q~7~e ~~t~~orney~ re~or~ted ~bkiat he nas not co.npletFd kliu resear.~sYz x~eg~az~din~;
<br />k\venue the uJoodlynn F~veraue cxoc;s:in~; matter, _'he Fatcorsiey d:ic9 xlot :fc;eJ. th.at
<br />thE O:ity rieecled axx ea,semerr~, but xze would conL:i.nu~ to re~r,ea,-rch ~Lae
<br />n~~ttor~ uza~;i1 he go~: a definite a.z~.is~aer,
<br />Przg~ ~12~.
<br />