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~.i'[l.IVU'J.'is:> <br />C7.'I;y~ COUTICI~.. <br />;,~ep'ceaaoer 23~ 1.)F3J <br />a~Aee~tang ;~J_ith _~~;.rs, Nard.i.z~.i. reporte;d tYiai the ~;uildia~zFr .I:aspector ha~~ a. ~~x•ior coavmz.i.trnent <br />i'so_ia.clitz~; n.nd cou.~cl not a:ttend ~borzi,nto;> n~P~ting, i'1r's, Scal.ze sv~~~estcd ~~,nat the <br />lnspector ,3ui.a.dirzg Lnspec~tor be asiied ~I:o ~zttend the Gctobe;r `( ~ouncil raee~cin~o <br />t~iot Cc~uc~ci_L ,;x;;, lard~.sii r~l~orted bha.i bherc ie ~ i~aE:~ropo:L_itaza Oouno_il meet:tng at <br />i~~iee~t_irig 7~30 Y,ivi, on Sep~ber~xber 30o t~(a..rc~izi~i Si~tcd ~tha~~, shE *,~ot21d lal~e bo see <br />tkze si.xuject oi' the stid~;ex~on « 691~ mal;ter. disc;ussedo <br />'Slae C:.ity CJ ex~k :e•epor~bed th.a.t tb.F i'laeu~ex~ sent ~z letter. to ~bhe s~etro <br />Counca:l on ~this sub,7ecta <br />Lake :~ev<a,s i~Trs, °i~2r.rlixz:i. i~.d:Lcn,ied that l; has beezi xio tlz~ Couxrty <br />regard:ing the meetin~ or.i laace levelso `!'he; Ciiy C].er~ic. re~ortod h,ha:t <br />11e iaa.~.1 f'o].lo*.=r up on ihis subject ,~rith i;he County, <br />ivlacDonald9 s A-irs, i?Etirdiza_i. ind:i.c~~teci tiia~. she laas not heax•d any~h:irzg reg~rdixag the <br />A~1a.eDonaid9s ma~tter, 1'hF~ City Cl.eric indie~:ted 'tha'c kie o:i:.l~l f~ol:Lov~ up <br />zaith the :t'~anrzex~ oxi tk~is rnatter< <br />Costa ifiattex i'9rs, ivardani asxed the status o~' the Costa raabt~r, "i~hc; C~.ty t~ttorney <br />ixidica.ted 'th~:t kie has zzoi i~eard Srosu i~irs. Costa_9 s attorziey9 but kie <br />would :~'o].].ow up, <br />iVortkx Utar 1'he City ~:Le.r.k irzdi.cated tlzat he c~rould Follorrr up Yaith the z'~axzne.r. to <br />;ia,1ES Sign detera~zicze i:f a, leLte.r has been sent 're~;~.rdi_xig the Iv'orth Sta.x~ <br />;~ome Sa1as s_i,grz. <br />3~~iorth S~t~r t~Ir.s, Nardani asked af ~ le~tter had U een sent ~co ;~ir., Itusn:icic regax~ding <br />l~;st~:tes a second exi'i, at the tra.ile.r pc~rx. '.i'he ~\ttorr~ey rep:Liod '~kxat he sent <br />Seaond Ckie :Letter and he has been trying to conta.ct i~.s~, by ~l~one, <br />Laci~t rlr, t~nsniclz has beer~ out o~' 'town and the a.ttorr~ey has not been able <br /> fip T'E;~,CIl k1:1.tYL, <br />A~'irs. Idardi.zai asked if ~;he letter 'was sez~t by registered ma.iJ~, 5'.he <br />b1l;torney re; iied i.hai; he did not send the letter registexed, <br />i~~r, b'ahey co:inrrAented that the Cii,,y indica:l,ed :i.x~ the lette.r that 9.}' <br />i~1r, k~usxaici: did not tatte act.ion w;i:bhi.n. 60 days' 'chF Ci~ty ~aoulc] ~taice <br />action and do the iaorlc ~nd bill t<Ir. i;usnicic for th:is .aorx, <br />I~ir> t~orsber~; as;.ced i:kia,t kie copies oS letter.s irz the <br />that axe scr.zt by ~ounca.l requesL, <br />Noisy 1'arty i~irs, i~a.rdiiai a~~ked the kict:o.rney :if he s~nt out the lette:r reque~ted <br />by Counci=l xegarding the no:isy ~a.rty on Carla Larae, i'kae 1lttorney <br />sta'ted tYza't he had not9 but *aould do so irnmedi~;cely. <br />z'age -:1.3w <br />