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a°ll:ivU t'1;S <br />City Couzzcil <br />September 23, 19HJ. <br />Gu~rd t+aiy .ars, ida.rciini. ~,.;~~~ed :i_~ a.xiy aet:ion has bcen ta,lct.n :rega,:rdirig the guard <br />~~ raal rec~uest on i;clge-rton S'treet, I'~ir, ;?ox~sbe.r~; iridicated tha:L 'ne and <br />Edgerton the ULility ;~epartanent vaouLd ~;ake care of tkzi.s request, <br />Ozae In '1'en t~lrs, IVardini suggested that the City~s ord:inance be amended Co <br />Duplex disa,l:Lovr tkze orxe :in te,n dup:Lex x~rovision under the I2-:L zonin~; <br />l'rovisa.on districi;. <br />Czi Ci~ty <br />Urdinaxzce iYtrs, Scalze indicated that she, ioo, orzs in f'avvr og 'thas arnendnzent <br />, to tYie orclinance, <br />xhe City C].exdc :~ndica,l;ed th~t a pub_Lic kiearing z~rould have to be ca~~ed <br />to cosisider arnending tkze ordinancea <br />i°ir. F'ahey stated tYzaC he su~ported the one in ten c3uplex prov~.sion, <br />i~irs. i~ardixii stated thac are a 1ot of people in the City c•rho <br />do tzot war~t this p.rovision in the ordinance, <br />~ir, I'ahey stated that the City Yaas had this provis:i.on Fox a nurnber o~' <br />, ~sy the oxdinance9 the City zaould be a. lot of <br />homes non-conS'ormata~ £or no govd reasoxi, <br />The City Clerk stated that this subjecL should go to the YJ.anning <br />Comrniss9.on 1'or tkieir xecotrnnenda't:'ton be£ore a pubi.ic hearin~; is called, <br />A'~xrs, iVarclini commezited that uncler the 'iZ--]. district there be only <br />~rivat,e hoAnes al:Lo~red. tsy araerzding the ordinance9 the City ~aould be <br /> housing alCernative, for people who c.annot afiard single <br /> horaes~as a, comment made by i~Ix~, I'ak~c:y, <br />i~Irs. Idardixzi conunented that tkze Ca.ty has more than its share of <br />multiple famil;~ hous:i.n~, <br />i~irs, Sca:Lze introduced the follo~ain~; resolution asid moved i(;s adoption; <br />k~f~~SO7~ti~TlON N0, 81»9-L~90 - REF'I:R:~ING~ Tx13~ OiVF~ IN TEN <br />DUYLL}: Pk;OVSSION ]:N `PIIli CITx°S OR)]lI~7ANCis i0 i'E3L <br />I'I~AiViVTIdG COi°U"i:CSSION F'OFt CUNS]:DL;RATION OF DROYPING <br />'PEilT PstOVSS:COti TN AiV t2-1 D:CS'CR7CT <br />The foregoing reso.l.ution was duLy seconded by i~~•s, Naxdini, <br />~';yes (!_G) Scalze' I~iardini9 ilanson' I.~orsbe.rg, <br />iVayes (1) ].+'<ahey, <br />tiesolu~a.on declaxed adopted, <br />`Phis resolul:ion ap~~eass in kteso_Luiion Jook No, 79 Page 326. <br />County I~ive i~1r, I'orsbe'rg :i.ndic~~ 1;e~3 tYz~t the Countyo s plari is i.ncluded <br />Year Yl~xx z~ ~he Couxzcia.~s ageazda tor Counci_L~s :iriE'ormation, <br />Yage -J.L4- <br />