<br />City Couric:i~
<br />S€~~iernbez• 239 1.9~;:i
<br />Selling idater~ stir, i=or.sberg reporteci tkz~at the 0't.i~it,y De~arl;nten't, ha.s coxztacted
<br />i+x~<~rn iaydi~ants other cities rcg~rdixig thc;i.-r. pol:ica.es tox~ seli_ing c.l.i;,y .a~zter :f.r.oza
<br />kiydz~anis, Tho io.llow:i.n~ is thF Utii:t.ty 1:)~;~rzx~truesztos F:inda.ngso
<br />St, Pau1 - pe.ri:z;i.t needed, ~~i00 dek~osit, ~~2C,>?_~ hydx~n,rat/
<br />metier. 'r.en.tril cki~irge pJ_v.s ,55 per cubic i'oot rnonthly
<br />charg~9
<br />;.tosevi.lle -• pErmit rleeded9 tj;:100 de~osit, fi;A0,00 h;9dx•arzt
<br />res.~ta1 ck~ar~~; plus ~•rate.r snonthly chargeg
<br />Vadnaas ~lei.~;t~cs ~ ;,;errait neec3eci9 ~s100 <:ie,,osit, ,¢10,00
<br />nydrdnt resatal et~ax~~;e9 v1.0,00 me~t;er rental chasg~e9 plus
<br />*~~ater raontkl.L,y charg~,
<br />Li.~;~cJ_e Carztzda. ~- per.~nit needec1 ;;:Lpq,00 dc~~osi~B9 y:L0,00
<br />hydr.•ant rerz~ta.L charhe, 5>:i.0oO0 zne~ber r.en.tal clzarge, $;6000
<br />rnin.:urmxn plv.s ,f10~1,000 gallo~as monthl;/~ ckza.z~e,
<br />E'~rsber.~ s~tat',ecl th~t it ap~earu i;hai $he Ui~by~s poli.cy *~ri:t,h re~a.r.d
<br />bo se:Llaztg *.aaCar :frora fixe kaydrazats is si~nil~x to that o~ suxrou.ndin~;
<br />C1't~1.P.So
<br />C:leatzin~; i~ir, }~oxsberg r.eported i;b.ac the City :aas aboub 39000 fer b c~f se~r~Fr rn~.in
<br />Se~~rer ~,:i~zes t:nat zzeed5 {:o be clE;~ned, plus ox~e :•re~t we1J. a,nd two culve~rts, '.~heee
<br />is a.bout 1p hourr, o£ w~x4c invoitied at ~ cost o~' `iul(~0,00 ~~or hour,
<br />`.l'he zaor~z wi].1 be donF; 'r~y .i~ovai< Coxistruction,
<br />/!c~d:ltional. rir, Parst~e.rg x~e~~orted that he c,rou.~o ~:i.l;e io add a~ar.t--tirne ,~ersoz:
<br />E'le.i.P 1.''ox~ i.ra che Uti]ity 1~e~axtanent, 7.'kze Oti:Lit,y Departv~erii; u~otu.d 1i~~e soaneoxze
<br />Ut:il.ity E'or <Lbov:t four houx~s i~er da:y, ~a:Lar,y urou.ld be ~a3a35 ~er hou:c,
<br />1)epa.rtraen t
<br />A`~lr, Fahey sta~ed that kie is sug~estin.~ tl~a,i; a, .iu~L:~-time per,ton be
<br />acldec9 to the Util:;.ty ue~~artrnent, t~ix~, :[~oxsl>er~ ~ti~reed tkaat l;he Ut:i.la:by
<br />lle~~ast',rr~enL n,eecis a,n a.ddita.onal iuJ l-.t i.nAe ~exsoaz :I.n a.dditioxi to the
<br />part--tzrne ~Frson he is sugg~e~ti.~g be addec3,
<br />Ua.ra,ge Sa].o i~~.ayor. Sza.a~son. sf,a:becl tha.t 'xie is conco-r.ned *~ri~h bhe c~rd 'board garagF, sa~.e
<br />;;igns sa.gns ttzai: a.re ta,clced u~~ a11 over the CS.ty, ~Iarzson suggested l;hat :.Ln
<br />the .nexi sewer asxd ~aa.tex~ b:i:L1s a.not_ice be added rema.nd i.za~; ~~eo~:l.e 1;0
<br />re,aove the s:Lgns once the sa~.es are over,
<br />t'rocec~ure5 ,~i~;yoc I~axzson, s~ateci that the City recaived ~ letter arpm ~,;hi:te Beax I,a'~e;,
<br />liurin~; i'hey will 'ae i~o~ldin~ a zneeting out,l:i.zzing procedures i;o be foLlosie~l in
<br />3Aealth case oi' extreme heaJ.tkz ha,za.rds,
<br />tiaz arcl e
<br />i'he City C_iErk sta,teci tha.t he has i.nst;ructeci the Cityas Iiea:Lth Oi'f'iaer
<br />to attend ~,h1.s meetan~,
<br />Page -..15-,
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