1'A..~ (ti U'.(~ L',~i
<br />City Counc:Ll
<br />:ieArternber 23, 19~SJ.
<br />~'~-xE 1-_a5ror EIa~son ~roc.i~a:imed the iree<< o:f October )_i throu~ka 10 ~,; 1~'are
<br />Yreves~iion x~xeae~~f;i.ozz svee~ in tkie Cit;y of l:~ittle Car~ada„
<br />6de~ic
<br />k'ha.lon Nirso ~Iardizai iradica.ted that from axi article tha~; ~ppeaxed i~s ~Pxe i~l:etrv
<br />~verF:Lo4~ i~ioxiitor. :it looics .I.ike the C;~:ty~s responsib:~lity in the Yha:lcn overflow
<br />situation :is mor.e liace (i;o ratkaer chan the :L7q„ l;he City ag.reed to acce~t,
<br />~-irso Scalze sta:ted that 9.t was undez• the recornznenda.tion oF the Ci.Ly
<br />f;xig:lziee.r atid the .i•Aa,ple~rood L,ng~i.neer. that the L'ity acce~t,ed bhe 17%
<br />:fi~;uxe,
<br />`Pxap~izig 14rs, Scalz,e i:~foxmed tYie Counca7_ tl~a,~ on l~i~y Lt of' tha~ yoax~ the St~te
<br />Oxc3inaaace ;;enate voted down the xnociel C.rapping ordinance ihat i•ra,s be£ore the;me
<br />1'a:c<cs ~ ['~~rs, Sca~ze recozruaended a,ax>xoval oi' toao chaxzge orde.rs for caoric to
<br />ltecreat:ioi~ be done on 'ttze trail systern in 5pooner A'a:r:c, `.['he :['unds for this
<br />work a.s to come from Lasacon Grant :funds,
<br />~pprovaL of'
<br />Ckza,nge i~sse Sc~1ze i.r~t.rofluced the fo~.lo*~~:in~; resolut:ioxa a.rid rnoved :t.ts acio.~f,l.ona
<br />Orders
<br />k?LSO:GU'aION N0, ~31..~.-~.tl~~ ^.4~k'k';?CV:I:i~G Cl(.AI~Gf!; ORIJiSk? "tv'0, L
<br />Sdii:ICH ~rJOtJLD COI~STS'i' OF I~1~0 F'IsI'sT OP LAz7i2k1 TRAIL TG COI~AI'3C2
<br />1'ilz'; I;XJSTIi`aG 1'i:t.A11, ltd `I'fIE; !~t%10lJPdT Ul~' tiiL9<)~}0,009 i'~i0id1P;S `10
<br />COa'1~ I~'ROI'~1 I;li'ri`C01V G;i?1:~1'C I~'UtiL`S
<br />TYze foregc~iz~g reso:Lution c~ras du:l~~y secori.ded b;y 'i~sx, :Norsberg,
<br />~yes (5) Sca.lze, i~'orsber~, klanqon, hlard:ini., x'ane;y,
<br />lvaye~ (0).
<br />itesoluta.on declared a.dogtecl,
<br />`Chis resol.~ztton a~pear.s io. k7eso1ut9.on Booic I~o, 7, .~'a~e 3270
<br />1~1rs, ;;c~lze :introduced the E'ollo~,~ing resolution and moved i~ts adopt~.onq
<br />iZGSOI:~Ua~OiV ad0, t5~.-9-1E)?. - k1k'Yt~UV:Ci~IU CHEaiJGxs OFZDiskZ I~O, ?_
<br />l:c; ~i~~i; k~A-aoti,~T~~ of~ ~~95aoo rr~~ r,ozai:~;s 2~o co~-~~; rzaoA~~ r~a~;:rcoA~
<br />C;i:t~~x~`.[ I~'irIu:DS
<br />'1'ia~ ~oregoinn resolubiorx ~sas duly seconded b,y i~~~r, ilanson,
<br />Ayes (5) Scalze9 i~Taxxsonp P'orsberg~y Fakzey9 ~iardini,
<br />Naye:~ (0),
<br />iiesolutioaa dec.~a,red adopted,
<br />x'h'~s revolution a~pears iza Reaolutaosz BooY :tdo, "79 1'age 3?70
<br />,
<br />taric ;,z~.~, ~ca:Lze re:po.rted '~hat i~iro Joe Uoxzovarz has xe,igned froxn the :Pa.r~
<br />Comra:Lss:ion ~onunissi.o~o Sca:lze su~;, est~cl tha,i; ttae City advert5se tha.s vaca.ncy,
<br />~lacancy
<br />k'a,ge ~l.b-
<br />