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c-A_lIV lJ`L ~;,> <br />Ca.ty Counc:i:l.. <br />Sepcermber. 23, iy&:L <br />i~irs, introduced the fo.l.losai.zan; x~esolut:ion. a,azd moved its adopt_iozzn <br />~rr~oz,u~r.z.o~v ~voo IIs~9~-~593 - o~U:,t~.~A~U z~~o~ ~~?~: av~ri:a.~ ~~xa~-i~,;:i~rz~ <br />Ok' 61 VACAIVC`.C ON~ `1'1:3I's P,<1Rh COMM1:S~ilUN <br />7.'kxe ~:o:.rego ~ng resolu'cion was duly seconded by .f-ir. , I:anson, <br />l~yes (5) `.;calze, tAa.zason9 I~ahey~ I+o.rse~erf;a <br />i~iayes (.))< <br />ttesolntiorA deela,recl ~.clopt~d, <br />`i'}x~..s r~solu~ti.on ap~>ears :in Resolut_Lon i3ooGC 1Qo, 7v P~~~e 328, <br />Rsc.rea.tiox~ Z~~;,, Se~1ze re,E,>or'ted bhra:t there 132 children 9i.~~x?.ecl a~> S'or eoccer <br />c7e~.>or.t and z3 sa.gned up z:or ioo~tba~il, <br />i'h~re ~ri.ll be re~;istr~tior.i a:or k~~.sietba_IJ.' hockeys vo:lleyoa.lJ~ and <br />;es ozi ~th~az sclay~9 Septeznber 21t and '1~nursd•a~9 October :l, frara <br />U 1;o U F',Sd, <br />1_~~rs, ,Scnlre re~oz•tecl t:na;b t,Yi~ Counci.l rece.i.vecl a. le'ttFr i':ro,n ~the <br />Caxxa,cl9.tin lla~s Cor~un:ittee; a,n in r.ecx•e<it:i.or~a..~ <br />a,ctzvities other bna.u cnose cle~«elo~ed by~ trie; ktecrea.ta.on D_irector, <br />Aar.>, Scal~ae stai,en tl~at :L1' i;ar~~.da.~n. 1:)a;l> does xiot :I.:i_:;c; i;he Ci.~;;~s <br />reac:ce:wi;ic.>ti A.,ros>,rasr~, tkiey should discuss bhe; ;~za.~,c;e,- ,e:itb. ;,tze Ciiyo s <br />zt~creat~.oz~ Uirectora `1'hon i£ ~here is still a p.roblem9 Ca.z~adian <br />Days shou:l.d corne to ihe City Cou.rzci.:L, <br />Iviro 1~'ahey agreed tizat C=tir.acli.a,n ~;a;ys Conua:ictee skaoulci ziave i'irst <br />cor~Lacced Ctte iiecrea.c:~osi u:x:crcto:c, <br />i~ar, Aa:nsux~ sca:ted ~Lh~~c ne U~ou_i.c concacc `,',i., ~<4~ 1< 9ys :;omui:~ttee <br />roz~ el.a.xzt ie::;i;~ozi o~° t;zr i,,;;e~n~ oti tnez.r :l.F;t~c r, 4irs, 6<,<tii.z~; as<ced <br />4n~;t she ue ga.vezx c].a.xi.f:Lcal,a.ozz in J_ei;i;er zor~rz, <br />(~,prova;L r1r, I~ahey :.izztx~o~uced bhe .£oll.oz~~:;.n~;~ reso].ution rand mo-vE;d `_i.~l;,s ~dok>~iorx: <br />Of The <br />voucz~e~5 ,z;,so~;ozloia iao> 8i-9--L,yL, m~1.~~:[~:~oV~,vG ril~s vuirc,Ai~;iw <br /> The resolut:ion 4aas ~1o1y~ second~d by i~ire, ~ardirAi, <br /> 1aye;s ('j) i~'aYzey, fia.r.clini9 I~orsbergs Iiansotzy £>ca., <br /> Dla.yes (0)0 <br /> xZesolution ae].carecl adop~becl, <br /> `.l'k"A1„ l~SO~.A`L.1.OX7. ~1~)~)E~S9 1SA tiES011'At_IOSI ~300:{ 1~00 7y .c~2.GP. 3~~0 <br />d'ro~osed i~~lra l~e~kie~~ statecl tkiat t'rie sec~;i.on isi ~~he a~;E;nd~. dealizag ~,ri:'th ~the <br />tudb4L k~or• k~roposed 1~u2 buur;et :ior i;kte City by' depar.'cmcrz~ az~.d t:ne botid l~vy :iox~ <br />-> <br />i9"v'._ ;~Y :L)ii2 is for Coutacil ixiiorma.t:ion at ~his po5xzc, <br />,';e~~.rt:~Genc <br />-L9~Z i~ir, raizey a.niorxraed 1;he in kii~ ~ositioxz as tldrat.rai,sbx~~,biv~ <br />~;dages ]aa~isoxi9 ne has ~~ut ~Co~e~cher. a pro~osed wage ~ricKage x'or ~;k~e Gity9 U <br />su:l.:L-ta~ne ezak~loyees, LaYAey~ siat~d 'th~tif, ii; n<~s always been ~the <br />job of the Counci:.l. pe.rson ~a~ibh ',;he adzainistr.a:tive x~espos~sibi.l_i~1.Eu <br />i.ti c~o i;ka:is ~E:ax, <br />,~2~(; e..~..7.,. <br />