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MINUTES <br />C:i.ty Council <br />June 9, 1987 <br />City <br />Assessment <br />Policy <br />Non-Agenda <br />Item No. 3 <br />I~lir~ing An <br />Apprai.ser <br />Agenda <br />Item No, 19 <br />'Che CiCy Clerk reported that the City does not have an orciinance <br />governing assessment policies. The C].erlc feels that the Ci.ty needs <br />some sort o£ guideline on this. <br />Mayor Ilanson stated that such an ordinance weuld have to be amended <br />and thi.s would cost money. Also Hanson di.d not feel it would be <br />possible to cover a11 the exceptions i.n an or<li.nance. <br />The C:ity Attorney stated that the Ci.ty does not need an ordinance <br />covering assessments, but it should have a This cou].d be i.n <br />the form of. a manual. <br />The rngineer stated that the City did have a policy i.n wri.tten form <br />at one time. The F,ngineer stated that i.t would be i.mpossible to <br />corite a document that would covez every situat:i.on. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that she does noC thi.nlc that most people realize <br />that there are di.ff:erent ways to compuCe assessments. People shoul<1 <br />attend assessment heari.ngs when Chey are involved because of: this. <br />The Engineer stated that in mosC s~ituations the peopJ.e are notifi.ed <br />of the possibl.e dollar amount i.nvolved w:ith their assessment. <br />The Ci.ty Cler(c stated that he th:inks the CiLy does have an old manual <br />on assessments. The C1er1c also stated that when an assessment roll is <br />ready, the City must have an appraiser to determine that the property <br />is beneEited in the amhtmt of. the assessment. <br />The Ci.ty Clerlc i.n.f.ormed the Council that an appraiser must be hired <br />to review the assessments that are to i.f the property <br />i.s benefited i.n the amount of these assessments. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the following r.esolution and moved its adopt~.ion: <br />R~SOLUTION N0, 82-6-315 - AUTHORI7,ING T1~I: <br />tIIRING OF AN APP73AISER TO DO ASSI:SSMENT REVIGW <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini< <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Nardini, Flanson, Pahey~ I'orsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopl-ed. <br />This r.esolution appears in Resolution I~ook No. 8, Pa~;e 266. <br />Parlc Str.eet The CiT.y Enp,ineer :informed the Council that Deluxe Contr.acti.n~ stated <br />Improvement that they would be wor.lcing on Parlc Street today, buT. they did not <br />show up. The i;ngi.neer stated that Deluxe has done worlc for the City <br />A~;enda before and they are a good contractor. The En~i.neer recommended that <br />Item No. 20 the Ci.ty p,ive the contractor another two weelcs. <br />Page -14- <br />