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MTNUTES <br />City Counci.l <br />June 9, 1982 <br />Johanson Mr. Locke reported that the U~C requi.res a bui.lding permit for <br />Screen Flouse any bui.ld:ing over 17_0 square feet. The City Clerlc reported [hat <br />(Cont.) the Ci.ty cannot change a U~C requirement. <br />Mr. Ilanson asked if the City was goin~ to te11 everyone with a metal <br />storage building that they needed a permi.t. <br />P1r. Locke commented that co~e requires that the screen house being <br />discussed meet setback requi.rements and have a building permit. <br />Mrs. Scalze commenCed that she did not consi~er the area where the <br />screen house is located to be the front yard. Scal.ze felt that it <br />was an accessory pi.ece of property. Mr. Loclce stated Chat code says <br />that no accessory bUilding can be erected on a piece of property <br />before the pr.inci.pal build:ing i.s up. <br />The City Attorney cam~ented that Che UI3C states that a buildin~; permiC :is <br />r.equired on a structure that exceeds 17_0 square feet. The screen <br />house in question~ is r.oughly 7_50 square feet. Also, the code <br />stated that setbadcs must. be met, however, the Council can waive <br />this requi.rement. 'Che Attorney commented tha~ t11e question of front <br />yard is to determine in this case. <br />Mr. Fahey sugQested that the Council tell the Johanson's that a buildin~; <br />permi.t will be needed, but that the Council is willinp, to waive the <br />setbadc requir.ement. <br />The Attorney sug,gested that a vari.ance be granted Eor. the screen house. <br />The City Cleric commented that i.n order for a variance to be granted a <br />hardship must exist. Mr. Fahey poi.nted that the hardship in the <br />unique circumstances of the land. <br />Mrs. ScaLze questi.oned if. the Council permits the screen house if the <br />City would be setting a precedent for any type of Uoat shed to be put <br />up. <br />Mr. Pahey indicated that he would be in f:avor oL a variance. Mrs. <br />Scalze and Mr. P'orsberg commen[ed that they, too, woulc( be in f.avor <br />of a variance. <br />The Ci.ty Clerk indi.cated that a public hearing woulci have to be held <br />on the variance and this could be held at the Jul.y Council meetin~. <br />Mr< Hanson stated that he did not feel the Johanson's should be <br />to pay the $100 fee that goes along with a variance r.equest. St was <br />the concensus of the Counci.l Chat the $100 fee should be char~ed. <br />Mrs. Nardini. asked if a double permi.t fee would be charp,ed as constructiq~ <br />began befor.e a building permi.t was appli.ed for. <br />Pa~;e -18- <br />