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MINUTES <br />City Counci.l <br />March 14, 1.9~4 <br />Collova <br />House <br />Relocati.on <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Hanson pointed out that the public hearing on the Col.lova house <br />relocation has been cLosed at the previous Council meeting. <br />Mrs. Nardini asked if Mr. Collova has determined the location oE <br />the house on the lot. Mr. Collova stated that the location may be <br />as set out on the plan that the city has. Mr. Collova stated that <br />he spoke with 4 or 5 of. the neighbors that were nor, at the last <br />Council, and they are not opposed T.o Che relocation of the <br />house on the Demont lot. Collova also reportect that he spoke <br />Roger Glanzer who informed him that the drainage causes the puddle <br />in front of Dan Campanaro's house comes the side o[ the street <br />where the Campanaro's house is and not the side that he i.s talkin~; <br />about. Therefore, the puddle will still be there whether Chis house <br />is moved or noC. <br />Mr. For.sberg stated that the nei~hbors were concerned that the house <br />will add to an existing drai.nage problem. <br />Mr. Fahey asked iE Che gar.age could be relocated. Mr. Collova replied <br />[hat he could put the garage anywhere where set backs ~ai11 be met. <br />Mr. ilanson asked if soil borings have been done yet. Mr. Col.lova <br />repli.ed that they have no[ as he wanted approval for the iiouse <br />relocation first before he spent any money on the property. <br />'Che Attorney reportect thal i.f. the borings are not satisfactory to Mr. <br />Collova, he will have the option r.o void the contract. <br />Mr. Hanson commented tihat if the soil bori.ngs are bad, the lot may <br />be unbuildable. Mr. I'orsberg pointed out that t:here are a lot of. ways <br />to put in a foundat~ion. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that she has loolced at the area and determined that <br />there ar.e si.x homes within 600 feet that have the same style as the <br />home proposed to be moved in. Scalze stated that the house is comparable <br />to a Lot of the homes in the area. <br />Mr. Pahey asked if it were possi.ble T.o move the house forward on the <br />lot so as not to adverseLy i.mpact on the 0'Banion home. Mr. Collova <br />stated that he would need a variance to place the home even with the <br />0'P,anion home. Mr. 0'I3anion stated that he received a Eoot <br />variance. <br />Mrs. Nardini. stated that there are other homes in the area that are <br />set back. Mr.. Collova stated that he thinlcs the soil is better in <br />the bacl.c. <br />Mr. 0']3anion i.ndi-cated that Lurther bacl< on the 1ot is the 1ow area <br />ancl would require more fi11. <br />Page -5- <br />