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MINUTES <br />City Counci.l <br />May 9, 1984 <br />Imp. 84-10 iis. Nadeau reporCed that she has been trying to sell. her property and <br />(Cont.) has been intormed by r.ealtors that she has an unmartcetable piece of <br />property. Also, she cannot cottnect to sewer and water. <br />Mr. Torsberg stated that he was not in favor of. a 9-ton road in thi.s <br />area. E'orsberg feLt that the industr:ial traffic should go out off <br />of Center.vilLe Road. <br />Mrs. Scalze felt thait part of the industrial property in this area <br />shoul.d be zonecl residential. <br />Mr. Forsberg asked the cost difference between a 9 ton rold and a 6 ton <br />road. Mr. Carley replied th~t it would be 15 to 20 percent less. <br />Mr. Porsberg felt that the road should be restr.icted to no trucks. <br />Mrs. Frattalone pointed out that her property is industrial. and she <br />is against the improvement. <br />Mr. Ilanson aslced the petitioners i.f they coere still interested in the <br />i.mprovement. Mr. Kel1y replied that he would 1i.1<e t:he road in and <br />~aould li.l<e to divide hi.s i.n<lustrtial lots. <br />A member oE the audience felt thaC there shoutd be isolation of the <br />industrial. from the properties. <br />Mr.s. Scalze f.elt that the industrial property owners should get <br />together and wortc out 2 nerworlcing of the roads to avoid the residential <br />distri.ct. <br />Mr. Fahey stated that he was not in favor of this 9 ton road <br />right in the area and felt that this area should be <br />protectecl. <br />Mr. Buse stated that he has buyers for four. of his lots, which he <br />cannot sell without a road and sewer. P1rs. Scalze aslced P4r. I3use <br />if he has informed his buyers oE the i.ndustrial developmenC that is <br />possible in this area. Mr. Buse replied that he has. Mrs. Scalze <br />stated that the Council must look ahead at the next 20 years and <br />protect tl~e people in the area. Scal.ze asked i.f 13use considered <br />selling to his nei.ghbors. Mr. Buse stated that he would love to <br />do this, but his neighbors are not interested. <br />~Srs. Scalze poi.nted out that there will be $9,000 to $10,000 assessments <br />on each lot. Mr. Ause replied that he is aware of thise <br />hir. Tom Durand sug~ested that the road Ue extended to the }3use property <br />and end in a cul-de-sac and make the street a resi.dential street. This <br />would enable Ause to sell hi.s property. <br />Mr. Porsberg stated that then Mr, Buse would have to pay 1.00% of the <br />assessment and the property woulct not be abl.e to be assessed. <br />Page -5- <br />