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M7NUT'~ S <br />C~ity Council <br />June 'l3, ].934~ <br />Cl.ausen "7r. 3~tanson informed the Clerlc to cont,inue t:.o bring thes~ m2Ctcrs <br />Lot Sp1:i,t bef.ore t:l~e Council.. <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs. Scal.z~ i.nt:roducecL the , resoliAti.on ancl moved ~i_ts adopti.on: <br />51350L,U7'IOtV DiO. 84--6-264 - APPR.OV):i1C 'CY.F <br />CLAtJS1:N I.,OT SI'LLC AS PP.L'>liN'I'7?C) <br />'1'l~e ,fore~;oi.n~; resolut:i.on was cluly seconded by 2dr. I~orsbern. <br />Aye, (5) Scalze, Forsbert;, Hamson, ~at~ey, Nar<lini. <br />Nayes (0)< <br />Resol~rti.on declzired adopced. <br />Tli~is resolut:i.on appears i.n ResoluCion 7?oolc No. 1.1., I'~ige 2~>0. <br />Fence Nhr. Clausen reported tllat tl~iey ~vould l.ilce to construcC a f:ence <br />Or~li.nance the~i.r ~~roperty line and the ordinance indicatFS tLiat a si.x ,fooC <br />f.ence c~tn be constri.icted .at Cl~~e back and must clrop do~an Co four <br />~Ion-A~enda feet half--waq through Che riouse. C~I.ausen poinecd our. that homes <br />Item ilo. 1 ha~re different setbac':<s and trao hotises ~aould be able <br />to hlve a fence drop o~FP to four feet aC difEer,ent 1.ocaCi.ons. <br />Mrs, Scal.ze sug~;esCeel that tl,~~e 30 :f.oo[ setbaclc po~tnt be ~.isecl for t:hi.s <br />and comrnented thal:. the purpose o.E tltis roqul.r.cment is for <br />i4rs. i~ardi.rri. introduced rhe resolution and moved i.ts adop[ion: <br />R1i50LUTT0Ai N0. ~4-b-265 - AM1iNDING TH~ PENCE <br />OP,DT.NA~IC}? •CQ AT~LOid ~ 6 P00"C i~;3NCP Ul) 'CO 'C1Ili <br />30 FOOT ST"CI3ACK 3~4AR1: <br />'P,hie Lore~;oinq, reso7.tiCion caas duly seconcleel by ~Ir.. 1?or,ber~. <br />Ay2s (5) Nardini, P`orsbert~, 1'ahey, i-lanson, Scalzc. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoli.ition detcl.eired adopted. <br />Th4.s resolution appears ~i_n Resol.ution I3oolc No. l.l., Paqe 2£;7.> <br />The Attorney reported tl,iat e.~ chai~ge in t:he code wi17. <br />require a publ.i.c <br />i-L's. Sc~lze sCated C1iaL she was n~>t in f.avo~' of: J4rs. C'l.a~.isen <br />Chr~it: she cou7.d j{o outsi.ele the Code until the rnatCer was cl.eaned up, <br />Viici.n;; 'Che Ci.Cy Engineer pointed out. t.hat seven of: the nine nroperty owners <br />Improvement ~i.nvolvE~;d ~.i.n Che Vilcing Drive Improvement eoere oppose.d. to ~i1 ut: a <br />cqst of :}(i4 per f_ront foot. <br />~genda <br />Ltem No. 5 <br />Page -5- <br />