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06-13-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
06-13-84 Council Minutes
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`IINU'CIi:S <br />Ci.ty Counci.l. <br />June 23, 19£34 <br />9' Dr. Mr, Gustaf.son, a resi.dent: of Vi.lcinn, ,taCed that th~. px'operty <br />(Cont.) osm ers t~gseed to t:he irnprovemerit at ~a cost oE ti37_ per frortt Poot. <br />Gust2f.son asked hocv the price got: to $64 per P.ront foot. <br />7'he P:n,n,i.neer >r_ated ChaC Che cosC giv<:~n at t:he was `;;~h9 per <br />front foot. 7'he Pngineer st:ated that it woulcl be up to tlie Counci.l <br />wl~ether or noC [:o comb~ine Che proj~ct wiCh other projecE:s to net <br />the cost 1ow~red< 7'he Engineer staCed Chat the p~robl.em w~i_tki Vi.ki_n~; <br />Drive is Cl~iat there ,i.s only one sic(e o~: the strcei:. to assess. P.1.,o <br />1,~3p0 Eeet of has to be puC in ~nd onl.y 900 feet o,f pcopert:y to <br />FISSCSS= <br />The ~ngineer stcxtecl tiiat the ~49 per frorit Cooe wa> quated ~t t.k~e <br /> as an est::i.mtite r:ind Che b~i.ds came in hi_ghex~. The ?ngi.neer <br />reported that th-i.s i.s the E:irst t:i.rne in several. years t:hat hi_s <br />estianate has been lower Cha^ the bicls. A:Lso, a71 Che orojects t:1~aC <br />the Ci.t:y bi.d arF~ small ones and, thereLore, ttlep were 1.oolced at: <br />indiv:i.dua7.1~. It is t:o the benef.i.t of: the Ci.ty t:o tie these. <br />types of smal.l. project, into a].~r~;er onc :i.n order t:o ~eC a better <br />pr_i.ce. )~to~aever, t.2ze C'ity does not have a 11r„e px.~oject vt th~i.s poinC. <br />'Che En;i_neer. also inform~cl Mr. ~usL~.i£son that anotl,ier reason fo~r tl:ie <br />hi_~1~~ cost ,is t112C there -i.s a G1;i11~iams J3ros. pipeline in the Vilci.n~ <br /> ar.~ea thni_ scares conCractor, and all t:l1e properY.y o~oners <br />in the ~-area *~~ant the pi-p~ in a d:iELerent 1~cat~[on. The bi.d raas also <br />basecl oi~ a11 eas~~.ment> bein~ clonat:ed. <br />P-[r. IdAr~ison staCed tYiait i.n the Eulure Ck~ere ma~ b~ a 1az~~c~ project <br />that tt~e City can ti_e [his one into. <br />Mr. Gustafson askecl ~.if. tYie ,~roject saould be c!~l.ete~7 at the ~fi4 fi.gur~. <br />Mr. 11~1nson sCated chaC it would. <br />Mirs< Sca1zF stated thal tt may noC be f.air to te.>,l~l Mr.< G~istafson tliat <br />Ct~ere cai.ll be a].arge project th~t 9ilcinrr, Dr.ive c2n be incl.uded ~a:ith. <br />TLie Pn~~,i.neer ,tated th~at he in,Eorme.d the CiCy a cou~le ot yec~rs a;o <br />that tl~ie woiild co,ne wl:ien the Ci.ty ~•roul<I be faced with the~e <br />sma11 projects t:hat. aould be too to put i.n by thems~'7.ves. <br />~1,rs. ~Iard:i.n9. poi.nted out that the Coi.mcit inf,ormed citizens l.ast: year <br />thc3t if they ~oantecl ~vaCe~r, t(Zey shoul.d approach the City< <br />i~ta~. A~nson fel.t that Ch~ C~ime may come wkien Che Co~.incil me~y have <br />the rest o.f: the Ci.t:y watered. ~!x. Forsberg Eelt that it should remain <br />Che people's choice whether or not they cvant ~•rateir. <br />~~ir< Por;;berr i.ntr.oduced i.;he f.ol.l.owing resolution snd moved -i.CS adoption; <br />1.tI:SOLU'i'~TON ~IO, 8~o--F~-266 -~ DI?1~E'CTNC 'f1Ili VIKT~7G <br />llIZIVP~ 4dA7'I~'J:^9AIT7 IMPROVGNI~V'!' }?RqJiSC'J' . <br />i'~€;~' -h- <br />
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