<br />Ci ty co~inci t
<br />sepe, l~', t98/s
<br />10`; °ar!c Comrn;i.ssion i.s birl};eY:ed xt. '$37.,525 f:or ].985. Coi.inc~i.1
<br />que,ti.oned che `~?,000 bud;eted Lor ConsulLaiit Oontract. ~~!rs. Scalze
<br />Expla~ined t~~at Che Ci.ty's cornprehensive pxrlc pLan nced; to be uhdated.
<br />Also under [:hi.s catet;or~ i.r, app].~i.cations for s;ranCSo i~lrs, Sca'Lre
<br />c~rpla~i.nect thaC up to Jul.y o[ 19f3~: tlie C~i 1-y ~ised 4;900 i.n Ch_i,s catc.~;ory,
<br />e~nd. t.h:i.s i_s hoa the 'k2,000 Ci.;urc ~rt~s aeri.ved ac Eor the 1.9~35 bnd;eG>
<br />'L!i~~rP wr.,re no cl~ian ;es sus ~cst.ed ~~or t:hi.s cat.eg;or~ oE thc buri;et.
<br />110 Seni_or Ci.ti.zE:,ns has an esti.m~zc.ecl ~ud„el: of ~$3,928 Lor ].985, Counc:i.l
<br />had ,ev~raJ ~,ue,tions on tf~~(s uorti.on of Chc '~udget and rE.yuesC.~~d c.hac
<br />44~rs. CatLa~k'ier att.encl the Sept:ernber Zfi Counc~i 1 m~ et in}; and tha1:. a rno~ce
<br />detailed budgct be pr~senC~d at t.l,~at timeo
<br />Coune~i.l. al.so reqursted Ctiat the C~i.ty C1e~rlc eneclc into ~ohat, ot1~~e c~..t_~i_e,
<br />c~ic> with renaed to se.ni.or ci.t:iren J~~rooremse Counc~.i.1 a7.so requested that
<br />i.t be i.nt'ormed of; Che nurober oI nccio~rs Che Si P1u> Cl_ub has and ho~.~
<br />many ef. Cli--~e 'nember~s z~re cit~i.zei~~s of f~itClc; Canada. Fi_na11y, t.~ie C~iCy
<br />request.ed that for the me~ti.n~ on tl~ie 76~h c~ 'f:~innnci_al staCemene for_ tne
<br />55 Pl.us Cl.i.ib be pre,ented.
<br />lli Communi.[:y Rerv,i.cE; ie I>ud~;eCecl at `>1.3,30"> Mr. rat~iey qi.ie.sCioned
<br />ChE= $1,000 bt,id~Ft for Ctinndi_~n D-iys. Pailey sugnc~sCed that i.i this coere
<br />..xppr'oved ~i.t bc ioith Che cond~i_t~i_on that Che~ `•lowlc:i.1 inay decide to wit:hdr~iw
<br />or dec~rease thi.s Eund~ing at. ~ 7.ater daca>
<br />'Che CiCy Cl.er'c recommen<ied Chat-. thE~ `v~~O bur!getF~tl £or li~istori.cal. Soc.i.ety
<br />be ~?c.c~'eased L:o $500. G~I.Ch that r,•ecoinmendat~i.on, the budz~et for CommuniCy
<br />Servi.ce was re.co~umenrled at. ,7~1R,309.
<br />C,Zt.e~ozy U.7_ Cit:y Caca~;e -!.s budgeted aL :ti7,7:i0 for 1.985. I;oger Glanrer
<br />i eporcccl Ch~t he b~id~eted d14,000 under !!t i 1 i ti_c•.z ch~e to i.ncreasi.nt;
<br />costs, ~lzmzer Lel.t th~xt in pa,t yc~r, he estimatecl lo~a i.n Che ut~i_1.iCies
<br />secci.on of tPi~ bud;et.
<br />'Phere wcre no cliann,es proposed [or Chi.s section of Cl~ie buclget.
<br />Under CaL~~gory 203 St:r~-~e~ T,i~;hCS a bi,id~eC oY ;k39,000 is propo,ed wl~rieti
<br />~i.s u~`~10,000 inc.rease over the 1934 hudGet. 1~1r G1an;~,cr e.xpla~i_ned i:hat:
<br />th~, re,nson Cor the 1~~rf;e increas<~ i.e thaG duri.nq 1484. the Qi.ty ordered
<br />1.2 new str-eeC 1 i.~;hCS anel he :i_ , est ~i,.~n~;ti.r,~; f-oc 7.7 ciddi_~i.onal dt,u-ln~; 1~3f35.
<br />Al.so i_nexc,asi_nc; ui:i.l.~i.t:y cos[:s hev~ l~~een considered>
<br />Pas>e -.3-
<br />