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r~i~u~rrs <br />Ci.Cy Counci.l <br />Oct. 10, 1984 <br />R& S(Cont,) ~Ir< 'Gi1~e also pointed out ChaC i.t is not really a street in this <br />area, Mrs. Scalze commented that the end of: the sCreet sliould be <br />a cul-de-~sac and should be posted no-parl< <br />Mr. 'Chur.ston, an attorney; R& S, appeared before the <br />Cotmc:i.l. Mr< 'Lhurston requested thzit any approval refer to an outdoor <br />Auto sal.vap,e yard, rather then outdoor stor.age. <br />Mr. Thur.ston also passec.l out: pictures showing T.he that <br />R R. S has done of their operati.on. <br />Mr< Thurston stated that the R& S s~i.te will. holc( abouC 200 cars <br />single-sCaclced, Thur.ston reporCed that the cars are staciced ztbout <br />a weelc or two befor.e they are scl~edul.ed to be hauled away. R& S <br />coould l.ike Co continue Chis practice. <br />Mrs. Scalze poi.nCed out that last wi.nter the car.s ~aere staclced higki. <br />Mr. 'fhurston aslced if: of t}~e cu1-<Ie-sac would be a City <br />project. Mr. Fahey repl.i.ed that i.t probably would and would be <br />assessed ap,ainst the property ownerse <br />Mr< Thurston poznted out that the employees of the that: R& S <br />rents out are parl<inc; in t.he cul-de-sac area. Mrs> Scal.ze comment:ed <br />that thi.s is R& S's ~ropert:y, and, therel.`ore, they are responsibl.e <br />f:or Chis. Scalze star_ed th1C the cul-de-sac would have to Ue posted <br />no parl<ing. <br />i4r.T'hurston asiced if thc cars could be sCacked, whi.c.h would <br />not Ue over the hei.p,k~t oE the fence, pri.or to be~ing pictced up< <br />Council was not agreeaUl.e to this request. Mrs. Nardini stated t:hat <br />she was agreeable to along with the R& S proposal as lonp; as <br />there evas no staclcing of cars. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that one of the reasons that she was coneerned wi.t=Yi <br />the appearance of this area :is that she feels ChaC the Cit:y should be <br /> steps Forward and not baclaoard, <br /> Pahey i.nt:roducec( the resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RPSOLUTION N0. £34-10-476 - FlPPROVING A CONDITIONAL, <br />USE PLKMI'L POR AN OUTDOOR AlJ'CO SALVAGI; YARD POR <br />R& S SUBJECT 'L'0 Ti~IE PI,ANNEK' S REPORT DATED JULY <br />31., 1984 A~D SUI3JEC'CCO R~'k S's PAR'L'ICIPA7'ION IN <br />AND nGRE1?,MENT IdSTH W4[ATPVEIt ROAU ALTERNATIVE <br />D~VPLOPS FOR THP WOODLYN AVPNUE Ai.2liA AND SURJIsC'C <br />T.0 Ttll? RGSTRIC7'LON THAT THPRTi AP NO MORG THAN STNGLP- <br />STACKED CARS CONTAINf3D LIITIIIN TIII~, SALVAGP AREA AND <br />StJBJECT TO A ONP-YEAR DURATION OP TflP PERMIT SO TFtAT <br />COUNCII. C~N RI~VIFW l:T idI'Clt RF3GARD 'f.0 STORAGE <br />Page -5- <br />