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KINU'CES <br />City Council <br />Oct. I.O, 1984 <br />R& S (Cont,) RE~UIREMENTS AND FOAD IbIPROVi;MIs'N'TS ON <br /> Id00DLYN AVBDIUE AND T[~1~7' TItT' CUI.,-Di~. SAC <br /> AT TE{T P:,ND OT FJOODLYN AVENUE BFi, IMYROVED <br /> A6 RECOMMTiNUI~:D BY 'CHE PLANNER AND TAA'.C <br /> TIIPRE BL NO ST.ORAGIi O,P CARS OR PAR[zING OF <br /> CARS ON TI-IIS PU~RLiC STRli~T <br /> The resol.ution ~vas dul.y seconded by Mr. Hansone <br /> Ayes (5) Pahey, tlanson,, Sca].ze, Forsber.g. <br /> Nayes (0). <br /> Resolution declared adopte<I, <br /> Th:is resolutf.on appear, in Resoluti.on f3ook Pto. 11., Page 489. <br />Sdoodlyn Ave. The Engineer stated that he has reviecaed alternative /,{5 oE the Woodl.yn <br />Circulation Avenue circulation pl.ans and determined [:hat a 50 foot r:ighC-of-way <br /> would niclc the corner of the A. C. lilack bui.Ldin~;. <br />Agenda Mr. Leo ~1cGough commented that the property owners in the area do <br />Item No. 7 not ~oanC the road. Mrs. Scalze repli.ed that the Ci.ty wants the <br />road. Mr. }Ianson stated that the City wants to settle on a plan <br />for the road. <br />Mr. Porsber~ i.nLormed Mr. McGough Chat there are busi.nesses :i.n the <br />area chat to add on and cainnot without a second access to the <br />area. <br />T4r. McGough asi<ed i.f the Ci.Cy was only i.nterested in getting the <br />easements for the road. Mr. Pahey replied that Chis was correct. <br />T4r, Greg Deeb stated that the business are no longer interested in <br /> f/5 since the Engi_neer's survey revealed that the road <br />woul<i taice p1rC of Che A< C. I31ack buil.< <br />~tr. Porsberg poi.nted out that R& S will not have permi.ssi.on to cont:inue <br />their operlti.on until. the road matter ~i.s resolved. <br />iYr. 7.,i.lge asked about the easemenC that he gave on t:he east. Mr. <br />Pahey replied that: there were problems wiCh the gr.ade in thi.s area. <br />Mr. I~lanson pointed out thaC with any bloelcage of. the rai.lroad tracks, <br />there i.s no way i.n to the area. <br />P1r< Deeb felt thaC the Gervai.s property shoulcl be i.nvolved i.n the <br />road issue. <br />The I?ng:ineer stateci that there i.s a low spot: in the ar.eea encompasse<1 by <br />al.ternative ?;~5 that would cause sewer to have t.o be br.ought in <br />anot:her disection, 'I'he Engi.neer fel.t that the nrade could be rai.sed <br />next to the 131ac1c's property and su~;gested thaT, the sCreet woulcl be <br />cur.bed and a storm ;ewer put i.n the 7.ow areA. <br />Page -6- <br />